Thinking about Jak and Dexter
by Bratpack002 on Comments
I was peeking at the rentals at Block Buster and saw Jak3. I had never been interested in Jak before, but suddenly this looked kind of interesting. I am going to have to pick up the first one as soon as I get chance. Because being the anal individual that I am, I simply could NOT play #3 and then back up and play #1. I learned my lesson doing that with Final Fantasy. My first game was VIII. I LOVED it! So, then I backed up and bought VII. Ugh! BIG mistake! I could not stand looking at those little lego people with gravity defying hair. Yuk! Hence, I have learned my lesson. So while, Jak3 may look interesting, for the sake of my sanity, I shall have to find the original Jak and play that one first.