BravoStrike2's forum posts
Has anyone else while trying to setup a private match with a friend had the issue where u set the match up then invite them and they accept then get a message "this party has ended " or something along those lines.... everytime... everytime i invite a friend or vise versa i get that message or they get it saying "session ended" or somethin?
i think the issue is they expect the screen to split for 2 players.....
when playing with two ppl its pretty much the second player is piggy backing,lol like following you around.. its super gay..
i have also noticed that some games are just not transferrable.. like i couldnt get my call of duty save info to my new wii if it ment my life.....
any ideas?
i have the wireless senor bar by nyko, its awesome, just put the batteries in and its ready to go. no issues..
if i had to complain it would be battery life.. but i have since bought rechargables. and it has a timer on the back so it will shut down after 1 - 2 hrs in case u forget ..
6ft tall!! When you play virtual console games like NES the pixels must be like a few inches wide! Would be nice to hook a ps3 to that or maybe a pc running dual geforce 280sjcarlson892007yea its bomb but havent played p23 or xbox in a few months now since i got Wii.
i have in in my theatre room, on a lcd projector with a 16:9 widescreen all HD screen is 109"wide by 6ft tall i think..
no lag Call of duty and rockband kick **** ass on it!!!
I'd give it some better games. So far, to me, the only Wii games I see as worthwhile are:
No More Heroes
House of the Dead 2+3 Return
Geometry Wars Galaxies
Castle of Shikigami III
Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Blast Works
Sin & Punishment 2 (2009)
MadWorld (2009)
Fatal Frame 4 (2009; uncertain)
...otherwise, there's just a whole lot of garbage, shovelware, and crappy mascot rehashes/sequels. Needs more variety. Sure, it's selling incredibly well, but primarily to the non-gamer crowd. I want more games that appeal to long-time gamers.
I'll have you know that a big problem with the Wii is that it's too technologically advanced for many 3rd party companies. The majority of the companies aren't able to figure out how to handle motion sensing hardly at all yet alone proficiently. Many companies aren't able to harness the Wii's greatness, and some gave up while others are still attempting to figure it out.wiifan001I'd have to call BS on this... ask any developer, they'll tell you the PS3 is the worst devkit to work with. (primarily thanks to the Cell processor, not to mention a price tag several times that of Wii or 360's devkits) Developers LOVE working with the Wii, so I don't know where you're getting your information from. Most developers' problems with the Wii are limitations such as to processing power and graphics. It's like trying to make a next-gen game with Dreamcast-level capabilities. theats what they are focusing on the non gamer crowd, cause they know you will still buy it and so will the non gamers, so why would they change anything?
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