Please adjust your brightness until the console is barely visible.
@lundy86_4 said:
Looks solid. The design should hopefully help with plugging some power into the console constraints. Slightly wider than an upright, current-gen console...
PC gamers love to eat the crumbs off our console table.
No that is a stupid statement, PC Gamers like to play the game at better performance and better visuals, with mouse and keyboard support for many of them. Also most games look and run better on PC so we win in game play experience 95% of the time and so you console people are the one's who can't play most games as well as PC Gamers (that's makes you love to play our games at worse performance and visuals compared to PC Gamers) not to mention the many games that are on PC and not on console as well, not that I have any issue with any games going to consoles. There are also many great advantages of PC gaming over console gaming that many of us love and can't get on a console. Please stop posting stupid stuff. Just enjoy playing on console if that is what you like and stop hating on PC gaming with stupid comments.
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