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Breaker4312 Blog

The Matrix Online

man i cant wait, in a few days i should be recieving the beta version so i can try out the game. hopefully this will not dissapoint me.

Matrix Online

o man, i cannot wait for this game to come out, it is going to be such a good game. There will be so many great aspects to the game, the only thing that bothers me is all these people in the forums sayin its going to be terrible. It is not going to be bad at all, i already pre-ordered it. Most of what people say in the forums are lies anyways, ive looked into everything about the game. hopefully many people buy it so they can spend more money on making it a better gaming experience.


The three most awaited games for me would have to be Dungeon siege 2, i want this game because the first dungeon siege was a great Rpg, Matrix online because i want to get involved in an mmorpg, and Dungeon lords, a game that looks great but most people dont know about

Great Personality

Ive read a lot about the Psp's personality and it seems to be great. Good Playstation look and feel. Every month there is a new color in the backround that changes when a new month comes. the only problem i have with this is the fact that you cannot change it unless you change the month, it would be better if it could be changed to the players liking.

Dead Pixels

So far from what we know there isnt too much too worry about the dead pixels, only a few PSPs have them and only some are burdened with it, hopefully they change this in the later models. The eject button for the drive is said to be too sensitive and ejects too easily, hopefully they change this too