Hello all. I guess it time I made another blog. Dont worry this isn't a Black Friday blog or w/e. Hmm. How long has it been since my last? (Checks) Ah 2 months. Now let me recall what has happened during that time.
Oh yes. I haveacquired several albums. The first 2 are from my previous blog. The Devil Wears Prada's,Dead Throne and We Came As Romans, Understanding What We've Grown To Be.Both are great btw. Some other albums I have gotten are For The Fallen Dreams, BackBurner. Oh Sleepers, Children of Fire and Red Seas Fire debut EP. I found Red Seas Fire recently and they are actually pretty good. There prog metal from the UK. You can actually download there new EP for free on there website. Great guys. All these bands are great.
I have gotten several games since my last blog. All of which I got on release. The first was Gears of War 3 in September. Best Gears yet. Then I got Battlefield 3 in October. Im not really a huge BF fan but the game was good. Afterwards I got MW3 in November. Good game but MW2 is still my favourite COD. Then I got the best game of the year. SKYRIM. One of the best games ive ever played and is GOTY for sure. I also got ACR. The story is solid as always but some of the things they added werent that great. Brotherhood was just slightly better. I dont plan on getting anymore games this year but I might get some more during xmas. Prob Arkham City or Uncharted 3. Im also hoping that I get a new Moniter for my PC for xmas. This current one is pretty old. Its an oldschool flatscreen. Has the giant back to it.
Two weeks before Skyrim came out I decided to get a new PC so I could play Skyrim on Ultra. Im lovinthis PC. Cost me almost a grand but it was worth it. So much better than my old PC. The specs are: 2nd Gen Intel Core i5 Quadcore, 1.5 TB HDD, 8GB Ram, 950W Power supply, Windows 7and a Geforce GTX 550 Graphics card. Pretty good ah? I might get myself another graphics card for xmas next year so ill have dual. Now all I need is my new moniter and im good.
To those of u who may not know or have forgotten I do have a PS3. So go ahead and add me. Its xFLYlNGxNlNJAx. Also the I's are actually lower case L's. And if u want to add me on Xbox Live go ahead. Its SpectersFaith. Just tell me that your from gs first. Well I believe thats it. I guess ill cya in the comments.
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