Ok I think thats enough questions for now so I will answer them now in this blog with subtitles with your names so u no what u asked and what my answer is:
Whats your name?
My name is Alex
Whats your age?
I am 17 years old
I am almost 6ft tall if not already.
Whats your favorite anime excluding Bleach?
Why that would be Naruto of course.
Favorite game?
Hmm. Thats a hard one cause I have so many good games. But at the moment my favorite game is Fallout 3.
Whats your favorite video game?
Fallout 3
Whats your favorite video game character?
I think it would be Cloud from FF7.
Whats your favorite console/handheld?
My favorite console is my 360 but I dont have a favorite handheld cause the only one I have is my gameboy advance.
Whats your favorite genre?
I'd have to say Action if u mean movies. But if u mean games the FPS.
Ani manga
What games do u have?
Well thats a pretty long list and I doubt u want a list the size of an entire page. So if u want to know then check my collection.
Why do u watch anime?
Hmm. Thats a tough question. I think I watch anime cause it is interesting and usually better than real life. Well thats the short version. But if u want the long version then we can discuss it somewhere else.
Whats your favorite band and the reason behind it?
Ah now this question I will enjoy answering. I am tied between 2 very good bands to be my favorite but I cant choose between them. They are Underoath and The Devil Wears Prada. The reason I like them is because I like screamo. Before them I liked almost all screamo but my parents didn't want me listening to them. So to keep my screamo needs and to keep them from spazing at me I listen to christian screamo. So its kinda neutral I guess. Both my favorite bands are christian screamo bands and there music is really good. Thats all I can really explain. U have to listen to them if u wanna know what I mean.
Are you a relious person?
I am. I am christian. And I go to church every other sunday. The times I dont go is when my mom is working.
Why don't you know french?
Hmm I kinda figured u'd ask a question like this. I stopped learning/taking french in grade 9. I really had no interest in it considering I'd probably never use it. Cause i dont really want to go to any french places. But dont worry, I know basic french and I have some french immersion friends.
Favorite food?
Why pizza of course. :P
Favorite color?
I'd have to say black or red. But im not goth, I dont have black hair, and I dont cut myself. :P
Favorite movie?
Why that would have to be The Dark Knight of course.
Any game in particular you are looking forward too?
The games I am looking forward to would have to be the GTA4 expansion, Halo 3: ODST, COD6 and AC2.
Whats your favorite manga ecluding Bleach?
lol Im suprised u havent figured this out yet but I dont read manga...
Whats the weirdest dream u have ever had?
Well I dont remember it exactly but it was one of those dreams when u think your awake but you r sleeping then u wake up but u r still sleeping.
Ever been in a life-threatining situation?
I dont know if this counts but I have spilt my head open before.
Are you gay?
No I am not gay I love woman very much.
How long is your hair?
Hmm. My hair goes down to my noes. But only in the front.
Do you support Obama?
If you had a chance to hit bush with a shoe would u take it?
What size shoe do you wear?
My shoes are size 10.