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More ugh.. Surgery Recovery...

Well the surgery happened around 1:00 PM... I arrived at the hospital at 10:55... Checked in, sat in the waiting room, got called in by the "pre-op" lady... weighed, measured, asked general questions... Sat and waited for another doctor to question me... Finally got that done, went to waiting room and litarelly sat down, just to stand up again because I was called into the waiting room (the on-deck for surgery room)... Got changed out of street clothes into hospital gown... (This next part's for you Shadow_Rose ;)) A doctor started telling me and my parents about what was going to be done... with detail... I felt a little uneasy, but held it off.. The anasthesiologist came in started talking and that's when I lost it... A world of white, and fuzzy noises that were people's voices... I later asked my mom what happened and she filled in my foggy memory... She was holding me, everyone in the room was watching (other patients as well :oops: ) and they brought out a cart, picked me up and moved me over... I started coming out of it as I went down the hall, through doors and past Operating Rooms... Finally arrived in my OR and moved from stretcher to table.. Anasthesiologist asked me some questions to get my mind off the surgery as he gassed me... So I woke up in the recovery room and all was well.. The doctor was able to drop down my testicle so everything is as it should be.. But damn, am I sore... I have to wear a supporter belt thing which feels weird on my.. erm, stuff... And going to the bathroom has a weird feeling with this belt on... I have to wear it for 2 weeks, I mainly have to eat, drink and walk now and everything should be fine... So all is as it should be in my little world... All for now, later... :)