The level % now shows decimals.. ex: 50.46%
When I go to the community homepage it says I'm lvl 1... (again weird, that just changed when I went to it a 2nd time)
Lots O glitches... but that's expected.. examples: pages don't load, pages don't exist, pages still don't load... you get the picture... Also under my journal under the "My Contributions" it says every entry has 10 comments though if I go to a different page it shows the actual numbers... Typing during posts is a bit laggy... I just posted and it took me to a white background and the only thing I saw were things that were not white.. example: text, sigs, avatars...
I can't go to my friend's page right now... A nice touch is the newest members section.. though that can lead to n00bs handing out friend requests.. :|
The forum users on-line right now counter is wrong, since it shows 0, but I'm on.. All of the threads I checked before the change are now back to bold so I don't know what I've read and what I haven't... Joy
o.O a community spotlight.. a chance for n00bs to find other people... Top unions are still there, though again, it's not always the top people.. since GoG was numero uno when I logged on but are now off of the chart...
The new forum look (not the community page, that's good, but the actual UCB boards) I don't like.. never really did dig that look... These are all first impressions so I haven't dug too deep yet.. Haven't been able to log in either... GS kept reverting to the old homepage...
First impressions
Profile Page: Thumbs Up GS
Community Home Page: Thumbs Up GS
Homepage: Thumbs Up GS
Board: Thumbs Down GS...
My free lvl up: Thumbs up GS :D