Once you hit 80, it's basically a whole new game. There are two routes you can take:
Join a casual guild. It doesn't require much time and you can get by without having to do much. The main downside is that they're generally not really competant and you won't be able to experience the end game content until it's outdated and you have gear that's at an item level way higher than the raid was intended.
Join a more hardcore guild. The hard part is getting in, as they generally have high requirements of game knowledge, mechanics, achievements, raid experience, etc. Once you get in, you've got to prove yourself and work your way up the ranks just to get a raid spot. Generally, if you don't pull your weight, you will either be subbed, won't get raid invites, or removed from the guild. You're also required to stay on top of game updates, research your class/spec, min/max which requires a lot of grinding, etc. Due to the time requirements it almost becomes a part time job and takes a lot of the fun out of the game. On the bright side, you get to experience all end game content, especially when it's still current, get all of the high end gear, and generally a lot of items/mounts that most players will never see. Nerd raging is very prominant in this choice.
There is an in-between, which is basically a mix of the Casual/Hardcore which I mentioned. Don't get me wrong, it's fun, but it can easily pass that fine line and become more of a chore than anything. I'll have to add that in recent patches, Blizzard has definitely curtailed more toward the casual gamer so end game gear is much easier to obtain than it used to be. 10 Man raids seem to be the focus now as opposed to 25 Man, so finding groups are much easier. Finding a guild with players with good attendance is another hard thing to find.
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