That's right, DeVour arrived today finally :D:D
Perfeect timing too coz I didn't have to work today and I've got the flu so I was going to spend most of the day watching Supernatural eps anyway. So I watched DeVour then a couple of SN eps and then Flight of the Phoenix (for a Jared fix :P Do not watch this movie just for Jared, really not worth it). It made me want to watch Con Air - I love that movie! :D
Anyway, so the general concencus on DeVour is it's crappy and a waste of time/money and all that. So maybe it was the low expectations I had for the movie or the fact Jensen had a lead role and was in almost every scene :P lol but I actually enjoyed it :D Although MW is in almost every scene in Her Minor thing and I still don't like that movie. Now there's a movie that's a waste of time :P
I mean it's not the best movie but it was still a whole or heaps better :P then I thought it would be :D
Jensen's acting as was brilliant with what he had to work with and he looked darn fine as always and oh the many ways I connected it to SN lol. Jensen's character Jake wears a brown jacket which is similar to the one Dean wears in SN. The movie was filmed in Vancouver so some more similarities - A scene where Jensen's character goes to this lake, It's gotta be the lake from DITW or at least it looks really similar. Apparently there is a bridge in the movie that has been in a SN ep but I was so focussed on Jensen that I don't remember a bridge in the movie :P
I think that's all I wanted to write about it, if you want to know more just ask :D I have to work tomorrow which sucks out loud but after work I'm going to watch the 2nd ep of Room 401 and House of Wax. I really wish I had Dark Angel to watch - a lot of Jared but not much Jensen. I really really really want to see Ten Inch Hero!
I deliberately left out spoilers coz I know if I see the spoiler tag, I can't help but click on it :P So if you want spoilers for any of the movies mentioned, just ask in comments or a PM :)
I have a lot of DVDs with MW on them but I've watched them all. Maybe I'll watch one of them again tomorrow.
I just read about some fangirls getting to meet Jared and Jensen and Jim (Bobby) I am soooo jealous :P J&J sound like great ppl, like we didn't already know that though lol.
Suze, have a great day at the zoo :D