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Mixed Monday

The Supernatural S3 ep Bedtime Stories is on tonight here in Aus...That's good :D

Seeing it will just make me think of the out of this world awesome convention that some extremely lucky Supernatural fans are at...That's bad :cry:

The fans at said convention are updating us all constantly though and there are some really funny stories. There are also going to be photos and videos...That's good :D

I am so freakin jealous of all at the convention :? I can't afford to go to the Asylum convention next year without doing something like robbing a bank (a plan that is becoming increasingly popular with those left behind this time around :P)...That's bad :cry:

I didn't have to work today and the weather is finally warming up...That's good :D

The writers strike, give them what they want and give us our shows back!! I'm addicted to 2 US shows and don't know what I'll do if my new ep fix is taken away for too long :(...That's bad :cry:

I'm out of good things, being positive is hard work - too much effort required for a Monday :P

I hate seeing ads for Christmas movies, Jared's Christmas movie should be one of those but isn't. It feels like Jensen's movie Ten Inch Hero is never going to be released. While a movie Michael suposedly made last year, we got one little article/interview about it and now nothing! It's vanished into thin air :( It sounded really good too and Michael had the lead part...That's bad :cry:

My sister rescued a duckling from a cat last night. We searched for the mummy duck and the rest of the ducklings but there was no sign of them. (don't forget, I'm out of good things so there is only one way this story is going to end. If I was you I'd read no further but if you insist, don't say I didn't warn you :P) It seemed to be doing quite well last night, it had a bit of a sore leg but otherwise seemed fine. They kept it warm and gave it water but I got a message this morning to say it had died :cry::cry::cry::cry:

It looked like this one...


I have nothing good to balance that out :? Also in the last 2 weeks I've been to a funeral, had 2 death anniversaries in a row and I missed the Melbourne Cup :P I've NEVER missed the Melbourne Cup! I was busy looking at pics of Jared and Jensen mind you :twisted::lol: Not to mention the race was earlier than previous years. Also I think I've broken my toe :P (should it still be bruised and sore 2 weeks after dropping a bag on it :?) One more thing :P My computer won't let me save any pics and there are so many great pics, motivators and icons in the SPN pics thread and on ppls blogs that I want :cry: I can use my dad's computer but it's getting annoying. My email isn't working properly today either. At least bugs are seemingly absent today *touch wood* stuff that *grabs piece of wood to carry around just to be sure :P:lol: *

They also keep toying with my emotions on NCIS with a character's life in danger every freakin week!! :P

So I'm a little worn out atm and I've got one more day like this to get thru tomorrow :? tonights ep of Supernatural will get me thru tomorrow :D Then it's a repeat of NCIS tomorrow night - Hiatus pt 2 a :cry: worthy ep...come on!! :P "Pass the Purple Nurples and peanut m&ms please and keep em coming" :P:lol:

Things could be so much worse I know - been there, done that and now running as fast as I can so I don't have to go back there :P Knowing that doesn't make me feel any better :( So bear with me while I be miserable for a short while :( the convention...:cry:


Bedtime Stories is on in 4hrs!!!! :D:D:D:D

*Fairytale Hugs*
