Brixtan / Member

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It's Wednesday

I've managed to beat 16 of the 18 scenarios in RCT3, with my latest victory last night. I've got to beat the last 2 scenarios and then I'm done with them. Seriously, it's become a chore to even play that game with all the bugs and glitches, not to mention the drastic drop in fps once the park gets busy. I keep hoping that frontier is going to release their official patch sometime soon because it was slated for release this week. It just makes me angry when my cpu starts choking on fps while playing RCT3 when I can eat Doom3 for lunch with no drop in frames on my spiffy p4 3.2ghz 1gig ddr ram, ati 9800 pro 128mb system, but for some reason, rollecoasters just tax my system into oblivion. *sigh* Looking forward to the following games, most of which are being put on my xmas list.

1. Halo 2: because if I don't own this game, I'll be laughed at my gaming friends

2. Metroid Prime 2: loved the first one, this ones looking even better

3. Half-Life 2: never played the original *gasp* but i can now thanks to the newly updated version included with the game.

4. World of Warcraft: playing open beta now, and it's good (more on that later)

5. Mario 64 DS: which means, YES! I want a Nintendo DS! portable mario 64 goodness! Are you crazy? Hook it up!


World of Warcraft open beta update from Azeroth.

My female warrior is currently level 12 going on 13. The thing I love about this game is that i've only really invested 3 evenings playing it and have been able to accomplish a lot in short gaming sessions. This is something that is unheard of with most MMORPGs. The questing is very well implemented, and I enjoy being able to traverse over to to Ironforge and speak with a dwarf blacksmith about forging an axe for someone back at stormwind. Sweet, I just got 900 xp for doing that. It's such a nice feeling of accomplishment. And best of all, the emphasis on partying is lessoned to some extent, at least for me it is, as I've been solo the whole time. This is a radical change from the likes of FFXI, as anyone who's played it can tell you that once you hit level 10, you better find a party, cuz you ain't getting nuthin done without one. I'm glad that WoW hasn't fallen into this category. The only question left unanswered is whether Blizz is gonna let us open beta testers keep our characters for retail. I hope they do.