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Need For Speed

Okay, so I'm just a little dissappointed with Pro Street. It's like they tried to make a boss game out of Gran Turismo. It just doesn't work. What they need to do is go back to Most Wanted, one of their best NFS games and learn from that.

The Police

For God sake bring back the police, their what make the entire game fun. Most Wanted delved into the idea of a wanted racer and made for an enjoyable between-race activity. I found that in games like Underground, Carbon and especially Pro Street that there wasn't anything to reallly do in between races. You went from one race to the other without a care. It felt dragged on and especially in Underground they made it so that you HAD to drive around to get to races and that you could drive as **** and recklessly as you wanted and nothing would happen. Like said, the Police aspect gave some giddy fun and felt like it was a part of the game that couldn't be missed.

Day & Night

Alright, they need to bring in both. Not just one or the other. In real life, we have day and night. It would bring and interesting aspect especially if they had the idea to put more cops in the game at night or during the day. It would make it just more life-like without having to put in pedestrians or what not. I've always felt the games to be a bit cold and lifeless and it would make it more enjoyable when cruising.


Okay, so we need to bring in the customization of Underground 1&2 but the sleeper cell of Most Wanted. What I'm trying to say is I loved being able to customize EVERYTHING from audio components to engine colours to how the doors open. I loved that whole idea, but I dreaded the whole dependancy on that customization that game held. I like to make my car look unique, but i was putting vinyls on everything, changing spoiler colours and it just got tiring having to make a car that had to look everytime. Sometimes I just wanted to tint my windows and put some big rims on my Escalade, not have to do it up like a clown car to get full stars. I want to be able to decide whether I want to dress it up or strip it naked without the game penalizing me. Basically what they had in Carbon, except more stuff like Underground 2. I have to say I enjoyed creating my own set of decals and sharing them with other people.


Alright, I liked the idea of being part of a team and taking down opponents together. I just hated how stupid they were. I would like to see a revamped version of the idea of being part of a gang like in Carbon. Not nesscessarily a gang, but a group of racers. What they could even do is put that online, and make it so people could join different "Clubs" that have made a reputation for themselves with either the cops or other racers, and put the team colours or decals on their cars, which brings me to the next part of my rant...


So we need to make a more interactive online environment. Like I said above, create different clans and allow people to join them or create them based on what they like to do. The group could appoint a leader that has the best skills out of all of them and they could also be in charge of how funds should be directed, and spend them on outstanding racers who deserve their share. The clubs could be based on drifters, draggers, sprinters, people who like to outrun cops or smash through barricades or just create your own gang that has a mix of everything. You can cruise along the roads and claim certain areas as your own. Peg them out and then challange rivals gangs for their pieces of terf. You can only try to claim and control a rival gang's area when they accept. You don't even have to challange them to claim an area, you can challange them for a car or money or even for one of your recruits, though the recruits have to accept. The only problem I think with this is that people who start after the initial sweep would have a hard time starting, though I guess they could create certain areas where there would be no available gang control where you could earn some money against some computers. EA could also create an online database that records current stats for differents things like longest drift, longest police chase, fastest time for a certain drag area or highest bounty. Basically who's the King and who's the Most Wanted in their respective categories.


EA needs to renew all their licenses for all the cars they have ever had in their NFS series and put them into one freakin large collection to pick and choose from. It would be crazy the amount of cars you could select from. They could either be a big mash like in Most Wanted where it didn't depend on what kind of car type you had, just the parts that were on it or go for a Carbon like feel where Tuners had better steering, Exotics were faster yadda yadda. They need to include cars from all walks of life and even have unlockable cars from secret side missions from the single-player campaign.

EA Trax

Just a mash of everything, maybe even customizable for each gang that can be heard from their car when your not listening to your own music.

Single Player

Alright, this is where Underground, Carbon and Pro Street dissappointed me. There was nothing to latch onto and I felt a little bit pushed to just get through the game and finish it. They need to bring something that's either completely fresh, ties well into the game and can be used for online or bring back the idea of crushing the Black List and truly becominf the Most Wanted. They could even make it so that it could be across a fictionalized United States and that you have the beat the different members on different states' blacklists and then go after the Most Notorious driver in each of the states.

So that's what I think they need to do in the Need For Speed series that will bring it back from the last few mediocre games.