Have you guys ever had a complete rant? I have. Many, many, many times. I'm not going to lie to you guys, I've had rants about everything. Yesterday, mine was about how Action Stars become Governors. Anyways, on to gaming!
You know what dissappoints me? The fact that the Wii hasn't had any jaw-dropping games. Like visually, to me, everything's fine an dandy, but so far, the only thing that appeals to me is Twilight Princess. And what ever happened to Zelda? She played a bit part, then that was it. Whoop...ee. I wish there was an actual game where you could use Zelda as the main character. That would be sweet, 'cause supposedly she's got the triforce of wisdom and stuff, so she could solve puzzles like SNAP. What also dissappoints me is the fact that there is no tingle. C'mon, I used to laugh at the poor pathetic fool in the green spandex and tight red thong. Yes, it was red and tight. Other than those facts, I found the new Link-based game to be quite appealing, other than the other fact that it doesn't have a Action-Star turned Governor in it.