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Brollylegendssj Blog

Skyrim has finally arrived!!

This morning Skyrim finally arrived at my place, it was supposed to be delivered at the 30 of December according to , but due to some kinda delay they only managed to deliver it today, I'm gonna start my first playthrough today which means that by the end of this week I might have already cleared it, let's see if this game is really worth of all the rewards it has been awarded with.

I will probably be posting a review about it when I'm done just to let you guys know how good this game really is (acording to myself of course) and I think I may also do a brief Blog Post with a comparision to Dark Souls to decide which of these titans is really worthy of being called the RPG of the year.

See you guys around!;)

Jump Festa 2012 Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance Coverage

All Video & Info belong to

Earlier,Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distanceappeared at Jump Festa 2012 with a new 8-minute trailer. Square Enix's YouTube channel has been updated with the trailer, and this trailer can now be seen below in HD 720p with English subtitles.

You can check it out here:

Jump Festa 2012 has finished. As you know,Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distanceappeared with a new trailer and playable demo. This article will summarize everything we learnt at the event, and continue to be updated when more content surfaces.

What We Learnt at the Event

-Kingdom Hearts 3Dis set for aMarch 2012release date in Japan
-Various details about the "Country of the Musketeers" world
- A world based onTron Legacywill appear in the game (more on this later)
-A set of images explaining some gameplay features ofKingdom Hearts 3D
-Many photos of the game's display at the event & Wonder Meow plushie
-The trailer which appeared at the event was 8 minutes long. We have a complete translated transcription of this trailer, which reveals a lot about the game. Make sure you read this, it is very detailed and interesting!
- VariousThe World Ends With Youcharacters, including Neku, Joshua, Beat, Shiki and Rhyme, all appear
- Many past original Kingdom Hearts characters will appear in the game. Since this is a pretty big spoiler, we'll let you read the trailer impressions to find out who posted their own impressions of the trailer and demo
-FF-Reunion posted their own impressions of the game's demo
-elwijf2012 also posted their own impressions of the game's demo & trailer

We hope you enjoyed Jump Festa 2012, and continue to visit KH13 for the best Kingdom Hearts news and coverage! Keep checking back, as the trailer will be released very soon, and keepdiscussingKingdom Hearts 3Don our forum.

Needless to say, I'm sure looking forward to this release:D

After more then 100 Hours of Gameplay I finally reached Platinum on Dark Souls!

Now that I'm officially on vacation from work, I could finally attack Dark Souls and after more than 100 hours of Gameplay and almost 3 whole playthroughs I finally achieved Platinum.And here's my general opinion of the game, although it's really hard and frustrating, it's also a very rewarding game with a massive Multiplayer interaction followed by one of the best battle systems I have ever experienced in a RPG game, so if you guys are into RPG's and got a few bucks to spare I definitely recommend that you get this game, for you most certainly won't be disappointed by the experience!That being said I wish all you guys a Happy New Year!!Brolly Out!;)