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Bronz_dragon Blog

KH II FM+ ending

KH II FM+ is out and with that, the new seceret ending I've watched it and a friend explained the importance of some of the things in the movie
Just watch it. If you don't understand... go ask the KH II forums...:D


Today I got an BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) form windows. If your a Linux nerd, you'll say "Why are you using windows!?!". If your not, you'll say something like "What the hell is a 'Blue Screen Of Death'?". Well, it's when your window's crashes. you'll get something that looks like this:  But without the hot babe... :( You can understand how upset I was. Luckily it seems like there is no damage done. Windows' website told me that the culprit was Spyware doctor! If you are going to visit their site, be sure not to download this... this... program. I only have it because it came in a packet with a lot of other anti spyware programs. It's a program that runs them automatically. the name of utility is Hitman Pro. It's a dutch program, so it must be good. Anyway, I'm awesome.

This awesome video

[video=KyNglDvx5bkKuz7e] My friend made this video for me (without me asking). THAT is true friendship. b.t.w., Did you notice the enlarged avatars? Mine is awesome, is it not?

Die Kingdom Hearts, die!!!


Okay, so I've been playing Kingdom Hearts for a while now. I won't spoil to much for you (you might not have played it), but after defeating three bosses, the main characters decided that staying was to dangarous.

But, the thing they came for has not been done yet, so I have to go back and redo the entire level!

No big deal... Except there is one spot where you have to ride an elevator, it's on a balcony where it's really easy to fall down.

There are also a whole mess of flying enemies there which all try to push you off. If you attack like you would normally, you fall down pretty fast. And you can't ride the elevator until they're all dead!

If you fall down (and you will) you start pretty much at the bottom of the level and have to work your way up. dodging all the enemies in the way. That takes a while.

I tried it about 7-8 times before I felt like throwing the controller away and pushing my dad from the stairs (I really had to do my best not to throw the dual-shocktm). Now I'm considering never to play KH again!

Snow free

I wanted to post this message yesterday, but I forgot, then I got up 'round 12, but forgot to post it until 17:45 (now =P)

So anyway, Yesterday, was interesting, It hasn't snowed here ( the netherlands) in a while.

so when I heard that it was going to snow yesterday morning, I thought "yeah sure...". I didn't notice anything going to school, and nothing while at school until about 11, when it started to snow.

then, at about 12, the teacher walked up to me and said; "you should go home" and I was like; "why?" and he was all "It's snowing, and the weather alarm has gone off" and I was like "But there's not even an inch of snow..." (after it had snowed for an hour). But, I was allowed to go home, so I did. The train company (NS) had other plans however. they had heard about the snow and decided that they would half the trains. *mumble*stupid people*mumble*.

So it took me a while to get home, and though it was cold (just below 0 Celsius with a lot of wind), the snow didn't bug me at all!

I made a little snowman (actually, it was a snow woman :wink: winkwinknudgenudge) which was about 5 inch tall. got locked out by my lil' sister and played video games the rest of the day day.

Home work

Today, nothing interesting happend.

I had to turn in a project, and I did. But it was wrong. It needed to be in color.

Do you know how much I had to pay to print? 10 Friggin cents!!! Oh man, that school has some guts to do that to me.

Anyway, Cya next time!


Hey blog-readers,
today, I have the day off school so I have no reason not to post in my blog (besides forgetting but, that option is gone now to  =P).

I have decided to start learning how to become a hack0rz (no, I do not posses that skill yet). do not worry bloggers, I will not hack you unless you decide not to read my boring and uninteresting blog anymore.

The first thing I will do is learn how to utilize Python (the language). So... ph33r me!


it's like I thougth, I'm not doing anything at school..
so, instead, I'm going to blog.

what I do do at school is so stupid easy! I should be learning macromedia flash. It's just to easy. this is the stuff you can learn in 10, no, scratch that, 5 minutes. And the guy is sort of boring...
On the other hand, I don't have anything better to do. (besides posting in this blog that is).

You might be going all "But your education is important! learn at school!!" but... nah. how would I be able to talk to you guys?

see you next time

My computer

okay, so this is my very first blog post...
oh well.

so you want to know about me do you? well, to bad.



okay! stop pestering me!
fine! I'll tell you about my computer. It's a laptop. A really beat down old broken laptop. In fact, I have no 'A' key. "No 'A' key? but he is typing 'A' all the time! he must be lying to me." you must be thinking. well, your half right. I can still use this thing to type A's but the actual key is gone.

I also have an oil stain on my monitor, and sometimes if I try to boot my computer, nothing happens! It helps when I remove and put the hard disk back tough. don't know why...

"How do you play games then?" Well... I don't. Not on this computer. It can Handel Internet and all, but I do most of my gaming on the Play-station 2 I have. It might play some older games, but nothing new. Don't get me wrong, the inner functions of the computer are fine. It's just old. And it's a laptop.

worst thing is, I have an all fancy mouse and mini-speaker-set hanging from it. I'm going to buy a new one soon though...

so... I'm hope your happy now. Go eat some baby's or someting

(please note: don't REALLY go and eat baby's because that's terrible!!)