Ok. These are the things that I truly miss.
1. Cel shaded graphics or at least something prettier than TP.
OK, TP was detailed, but why so ..unattractive? I respect artistic expression and I think many games lack that. However, in TP some of the characters are straight up ugly - not all. Also enemies look much like in OoT -ug-lee!! They still didn't get the spider webs right either. Some darker sections of the game also look terrible. I think Wind Waker nailed the graphics.
2. Truly open ended world wether on land or sea or sky even.
Just make me feel I'm there and not in some tube or sandbox. Zelda has always been about open ended stuff and not tubes. Those of you who are about to play the OoT-card on me should go back to NES- and SNES aswell as GBC-titles and see how things in Zelda are really done.
3. Less dungeon-oriented
Players love dungeons, but I find them way too difficult with all the puzzle solving. Like in TP Water Temple I never could have got it right without a guide. Still - difficulty really is not the main issue here. I think there still should be as many temples and palaces and stuff but gosh...it somehow just ruins the mood when you feel trapped in some dark place. I even hate the word dungeon...that's a prison and that's what it feels like too. Temples and such dont all have to be "dungeons". Some of them could be more of something you visit, get an item, get out and maybe come back later in the game - like some islands in WW. They do not have to be dark either. How about a really sunny dungeon with the meanest of enemies? Dungeon-oriented thinking just putting things in a box!!
4. More emphasis on side questing and roaming around, MORE VILLAGES
This is really a less dungeon oriented part 2. A true adventure should be out there, not in there. Nowadays Zelda games consist of going from dungeon to dungeon and ALL IN SPECIFIC ORDER. That's linearism! Bad, bad, bad...We should have been out of that titles ago.
5. Less japanese, less real world culture themed
I'm glad we don't see samurai in Zelda but we now have had INDIANS...that's right. There are indians in Twilight Princess. Now explain how that is possible. Even kakakiro music was indian-inspired. That ruined the mood.The japanism I complain about involves things like kiais (Link's kiais in particular), characters' grunts ("hooo", "yooo" in an oriental accent and tone of voice). If fantasy became reality, Hyrule would not likely sound Japanese. Also if you have to have mystisism like energies, gods and stuff, explain them to the western gamer. Don't expect them to be familiar with eastern theology and lore, for crying out loud! Also drop the Japanese sounding names!!! Kakakiro just doesn't feel right! Now you say that they can't drop Kakakiro, cos it's part of the legend and Hyrule has the same places through out its history. Well... you tell me why can't there still be villages and towns like Rauru, Darunia, Ruto and Saria. They are original Zelda town names that do not sound Japanese.
Don't get me wrong. I like Japanese culture and language. It's just that I think a fantasy world like Zelda shouldn't sound too much like it.
last but not least...
6....no gayness!!
It just ruins the mood when all of a sudden a gay like Tingle or a dancer or even a secret admirer of a photographer pops up. In windwaker they were tolerable, but playing TP I realized how unfitting the whole concept was when i bumped into gayish characters. I have nothing against people who are gays by the way. They don't put stress on their gayness when you meet em in the streets. Game characters shouldn't also.
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