When one comes across car apps on android market, he finds out that there're so many of them, and since most of us are too lazy to browse them all, I'll do that for you. I've picked 5 car apps that are best from the list provided. My goal was to fit both useful car apps and fun games in my top 5, but I must warn you beforehand, all 5 are equally fun\ useful. So, let's proceed to the list:
1. The 1st one is Jet Car Stunts - a decent and funny 3D driving game by True Axis. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.trueaxis.jetcarstunts You have tutorial, platforming and time trial modes, which are pretty much self-explanatory: in platforming you have to finish the track, time trial stands for itself, left alone tutorial mode, where you learn how to do tricks, required to beat the game. In Jet Car Stunts the track becomes your opponent, not other drivers, for you have to jump, pass hoops in mid-air and survive floating platforms and spiral roadways.
Pros: smooth control, 36 tracks to prolong the fun, pleasant graphics and good physics.
Cons: difficulty, I'd say and simple graphics, price $2.07
2. The 2nd one , called Car Locator by Edward Kim, is actually a very helpful android app, esp. for those, who live in overcrowded cities. The app makes use of google maps and your phones GPS to mark the location of your car. Several options to locate your car, precise distance to it indicated dynamically, possibility to place your car into embedded map to know exact location, even sonar sound to beep faster as you approach your vehicle alongside other features like tracking time your car has been parked, makes it definitely worth buying. The price is $3.99, so it's up for you to decide whether you need it or not, but there's a trial version which may help you decide. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.edwardkim.android.carlocatorfull .
Pros: app that really helps you out.
Cons: useful only under certain circumstances, relatively high price.
3. The next one is also of a useful kind- Autoboy Blackbox by Jeon Jae Kwon. If you wanted to have a black box for your car, but didn't want to spent a lot of money on it- there's your chance, for this app is free. Functions like background recording, compass, driving info, collision sensing makes the app come in handy in many ways, esp. when you get in a car accident, you'll always have your ticket out of trouble. It supports high-definition recordings and deletes old temp videos when a new cycle is on, so you don't have to worry about space issues. To sum it up, better have one of the kind. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.jeon.blackbox
Pros: free, helpful, in certain situations you'll be glad you have it.
Cons: minor bugs, e.g. doesn't delete old temp videos automatically on some devices.
4. The 4th one is Torque app by Ian Hawkings for $4.71. Well, that's not much to say about it, except that it provides more info about your car than your car is willing to tell you on her own. In other words, it monitors all the cars onboard diagnostics and tells you exactly what your car is doing at the moment. So, if you are able to make use of many important info like temps, boost, voltage and many others, you should definitely buy it or at least try free lite version first. https://market.android.com/details?id=org.prowl.torque&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsIm9yZy5wcm93bC50b3JxdWUiXQ..
Pros: tons of info you car doesn't provide you with.
Cons: pricy, helpful for car fans only.
5. And finally the last for today, but not the least worth attention – What's Your Ride? by EZEme. That's the 1st car customization app for android and would be interesting for car tuning fans. The best thing is that you can see how your own car could look like. You just need to - you upload take a pic of your car and do all the kind of cosmetic transformation with it, say change rims, repaint, add vinyl and many more, it actually provides you with tons of stuff and functions to experiment. An interesting part is actually that you can make new stuff look smooth on your car due to the 3D editing mode of added objects. So, if you are curious about how your car might be like or are into tuning definitely download it. Developer frequently releases new content and improves old functions as well, and what surprised me, they seem to encourage users to help them make new packs. Good policy, must say. Paid version costs modest $0.99 with free ad-supported version available as well. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.ezeme.application.whatsyourride_full&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5lemVtZS5hcHBsaWNhdGlvbi53aGF0c3lvdXJyaWRlX2Z1bGwiXQ..
Pros: one of a kind, fun.
Cons: interesting for car maniacs only.
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