So as of yesterday I was forced to resign from work for no apparent reason. "Due to my pending resignation to go to Japan", but what resignation? I never formally turned in my resignation since I don't know the exact date I'm leaving. I'm still waiting on my student visa and until I get that, I'm not going anywhere. Even though I absolutely hate my job with the burning passion of a million suns, I'm still pretty peeved that it all ended this way. I was expecting to earn a little more cash for Japan before calling it quits and the corporate fat cats upstairs decided that they'd just rather get rid of me altogether. I'm fighting the termination since technically they let me go for no reason at all which is practically illegal. If that doesn't pan out though then I'll have to find a new job so I might be moving to DC and stay with my uncle for a couple months and work some temp jobs over there. Luckily they pay a whole lot more than I make here so I should make some serious cash in the next two months. Well I just hope everything works out for me and maybe this is a blessing in disguise. I'm sure God knows that this job isn't right for me and that I can get more money elsewhere. I'll just go with the flow and see where it takes me.
Other than that I got a new Cat, his name is Harley and he's pretty b-itchin!8)