Bruceleeman's's Gamespot Rank
Bruceleeman's Emblems
Vote Rocker
For exercising one's inalienable right to vote. Rock on!
Voted Twice
For exercising one's inalienable right to vote. Not once, but TWICE! Rock on!
Tagger Leader
Tagger Leader Awarded to those who've extensively used the tagging system, enabling themselves and others to make it considerably easier to find certain content.
Public Access
Public Access For successfully posting a user video. You're on the air! Don't waste it!
Speed Runner
Speed Runner For showing remarkable feats of gaming skill... or at least being shady enough to steal someone else's and uploading them as your own.
Walking Commercial
Walking Commercial For providing access to more commercials that don't necessarily suck.
MK Scream It Contest
MORTAAAAALLLLL KOMBAAAAAAAATTT! Those who voted for the best and the worst videos received an emblem for being vital contributors to the MKA Scream It Contest.
After Hours: Virtually There
Nightowl. Awarded for tuning into our live broadcast of GameSpot After Hours on the eve of October 14, 2006. Thanks for joining the party!
Virtually There: PlayStation 3 Launch
Virtually There: PlayStation 3 Launch For tuning in to GameSpot's live broadcast of the PlayStation 3 launch on the eve of November 17, 2006, the day on which the PS3 officially hit store shelves in North America. Did you see the lines for that thing?!
Virtually There: Wii Launch
Virtually There: Wii Launch For tuning in to GameSpot's live broadcast of the Wii launch on the eve of November 19, 2006, the day on which the Wii officially hit store shelves in North America (or anywhere in the world, for that matter). How many of those things do you suppose were sold on day one...?
I voted
For casting your vote, here's a brand-new emblem to add to your collection. By exercising your right to vote, you've contributed to the site by letting the whole world know about what GameSpot readers really think. Make your voice heard! Vote early and vote often!
Biological Warfare
Down With the Sickness! This user spreads the GameSpot virus among the masses, infecting the Internet with gaming goodness wherever he travels.
Look at what we have here... Unlike real world scavengers, these players find and consume tokens. This emblem is awarded for completing the first Scavenator game on GameSpot.
Virtually There: E3 2007 GameSpot Show Groupie
I want to go too! Even though they couldn't get the nice weather in Santa Monica, these viewers caught one day of GameSpot's E3 2007 live stage show and saw some of the best the show had to offer.
Tokyo Game Show 2007
Virtually There: Tokyo Game Show 2007. For tuning in during GameSpot's live coverage of the 2007 Tokyo Game Show, which took place on September 20-23. We all know you only wanted to see the cosplayers anyway.
Player's Ball
It's a treat when famous players meet. This person did it real big with GameSpot and got wild on a Tuesday night at the GameSpot Players' Ball. Whether you saw the action from the confines of your own home or, like a true cross-country mack, stepped out into the spotlight with us live and in person, we sincerely appreciate it. If we could give you all a ride in our snotty-nosed ham sandwich with the brains blown, we totally would. That's a car, by the way.
Readers' Choice 2007 Chooser
Official Participant in 2007 Readers' Choice Awards. In a year that could only be rivaled by 1998, this user made their voice heard in GameSpot's 12th-annual Readers' Choice Awards. . . Now known as "Best of."
Fear the Reaper
What does this button do? Bearers of this emblem managed to complete the Scavenator session of September '07 with some impressive times. Live long and scavenate!
E3 2012 Literature Enthusiast - Day 2
Taking a break from watching YouTube videos of kittens playing with a ball of yarn, this viewer made the excellent decision to read the fine E3 coverage on GameSpot's official E3 site on day two of E3.
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