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I'm going to start blogging again :)

It's been almost a year since I've been active on this site. I recently stated posting in OT again, but I haven't written a blog yet. Hopefully people actually read this stuff :P I was looking at some of the blogs I wrote in the past and it was really......trippy I guess. I used to have such a different sense of humor that I liked way more. I've changed a lot actually. I don't know what happened! Recently my friend showed me a really funny convo we had on AIM 3 years ago and I was really surprised at my own weirdness. Looking at my posts have also been kind of upsetting though because some of them talk about high school. I know people say you shouldn't have regrets but I really regret the way I handled what could have been a great education. I never worked hard in high school and I'm suffering for that now. I know I have the intelligence to succeed, its work ethic that I'm lacking. Wow. Getting way off topic. I guess I can give some background info about myself. I'm 18 years old and I live in Southern Cali. I'm in my first year of college. Unfortunately I'm stuck at a community college because I slacked off in high school. (I'll probably complain about this often) Now that I think about it I don't really have many hobbies :( I like to play basketball and just hang out with friends but that's about it. I don't really even like doing anything with my friends. I just enjoy talking to them. We're all extremely close so we can talk about anything. I'm really open with them (I'm pretty open with everybody actually. Especially when I'm talking late at night for some reason) I used to love playing video games but not so much anymore. My 360 broke a year ago and I never bothered to get it fix because it wasn't the RRoD and I would have to pay to get it fixed. I still play every now and then though but I'm not nearly as into the gaming world as I used to be. My favorite music genre is underground rap, but my favorite band is Pink Floyd. I'll also listen to jazz and heavy metal on occasion. I just recently started exploring genres though so hopefully I can find more stuff that I enjoy. Eh that's enough background. People will find out more about me as I continue posting blogs I guess. If you guys and gals have any questions then ask away! As a matter of fact, I demand you ask. :| EDIT: Why does it separate some paragraphs and not others?! GAH!