Thinking About Getting My Tongue Pierced
by Bruin4ev3r1520 on Comments
For the past week I've been contemplating piercing my tongue. I don't know why I'm interested in doing it all of the sudden. It just doesn't seem like something I would do. I haven't told a single person yet, but I'm sure they would be shocked/confused to see me of all people with a tongue piercing. I've been reading some articles and watching videos about it. It really doesn't seem bad at all. From the videos I've seen it seems like the actual piercing is almost completely painless. I have a high tolerance for pain so I'm not worried about that. The aftercare seems like the worst part. I don't like having my diet restricted. Not being able to have any dairy would drive me crazy. I don't plan on working anymore when my school semester begins so I'm planning on doing it sometime after I stop working which would be a little over two weeks from now. I think that is plenty of time to research it more and really think about it and make sure I'm not doing something I'll regret. If I decide to do it then the only people I'm going to tell beforehand are my sister and my brother in law since he got his tongue pierced last year. I'll ask him any questions that I have. For everybody else it will be a surprise :D. I want to tell my other sister but she has turned into one of those insane Christians that even other Christians think are annoying. I don't want her to bother me about it. My parents would be alright with it. They're going to want to beat the freakin **** out of me at first, but I know after a couple of days they wont care.Let's see what happens... :P