BrunoBRS / Member

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mega wall awesome life update energy cell hadouken blooooooooog!!

uuuuh... ignore the title :|

i cooooould make it a giant blog, but people wouldnt read, so i'll try to make it small (but i'm sure it'll be enormous... as usual >_>)

games i got:

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon- cooooooooooooooooooool, i decided to pick it instead of TWEWY because i cant find TWEWY here and my dad does everything to NOT buy from ebay -.-". anyways i was planning on getting it anyways, and i gotta say i'm enjoying it. even though most stuff is a downgrade in the series (magic triangle? carrying? shove? riders can walk after attacking? skills? cIass changing when you reach lv 20?), the recIassing system is cool (and probably the reason riders cant walk after attacking), the new visual is great (i cleared the map a bit to give it more color though), and i just cant think of a reason to complain about the touch screen controls. makes things practical, specially if you "mix" those commands with button commands (i'm left handed, so its easy to press buttons while using the touch screen :D). had some trouble in some chapters, but nothing that i couldnt overcome later. navarre (with a seraph's robe to increase his HP to nearly 40 as swordmaster) and ogma rule BTW.

resident evil 4 (PC version) - 7 dollars on an awesome game i never got the chance to play decently? *buys* yes controls suck, but you get used to them. or you can get an X360 controller, which i wont. anyways, great game, but the graphics are weirdly outdated when compared to the gamecube version... whatever, it runs on my laptop and i'm happy :P

left 4 dead- at first i didnt want to get the game, then i started wanting it alot, then i saw it for a fair price at a store and saw the requisites werent high. started playing today and already noticed 2 things: 1- i cant play with max configuration without lagging and 2- i suck at it. oh, remembered #3 (which i wasnt going to add before)- AI sucks in this game, makes the single player campaign nearly impossible, so i just jumped to survival mode online :P i need a mic to play this decently --'

AWAY FROM GAMING! *runs away*

-i didnt get to make that cabal online video with my character to show you YET, but i made a guild with a friend from there and made a site for it :P not really active YET (the site, not the guild). check the site here: (yea really cool name :P)

-new sig!

this is the "mini version" that the mobile photobucket is showing (the regular one isnt opening >_>)

BTW, muramasa: the demon blade will ROCK

- yesterday was my birthday! i'm 17 now :D right now i just got left 4 dead, but i have a present to pick AND a white shirt with this pic on it:

awesome, isnt it? :P

BTW my "party" was a 1 hour paintball divided in 3 "respawn" rounds (die, go to base, clean, go back. out of ammo? reload at the base). i gotta say i never played like that. i was inspired that day, to the point of shooting from close quarters an enemy FROM BEHIND and forcing my brother (on the other team) to retreat if he didnt want to get shot from less than a meter away.

*thinks a bit more* i guess thats it.

oh, i'll see when i'll be able to be back to the forums. right now i have too many games to play, and too much to study (since my 1 week break that started last friday ends tomorrow)

EDIT: oops, almost forgot it


BrunoBRS shooting those f'ing zombies to death... AGAIN

that could be an awesome slogan for a zombie game :P

PS: *looks* see? i knew it would be long >_>