yeah, i got this annoying virus... T-virus, ever heard of it?
yes, infection blogs... lemme see who i bite (gonna pick the people who usually post in my blogs :P)
shadowvari ( :twisted: now you're gonna have to make a blog)
uuh... the rest of the posters are usully so random...
DJ-LaFleur (aka disco jockey, the flower)
Rasengan-X (or jus ras :P)
its true, i took a 1 week trip to the beach, and although i didnt get sick this time, the water was freezing to the point of hurting your feet just to get close... and i got sunburned... (not sure if "burn" is a regular verb... or if i can make it a verb :?).
also, i can see the future, but only for useless crap.
the best example right now: "oh, i think i'll write an editorial about videogames as art, in all its various concepts".
2 days later i open the book store catalogue and see a book entitled "videogame art". description: "the book treats videogames as art, and explain in details how and why games deserve to be called art, on all its various concepts, from audiovisual to characters, scenario, gameplay, etc." >_>
obviously i bought the book and already finished it. most probably will read it again and again, but not for a while. and of course i'll use some of the stuff i read there for my editorial... when i decide to write it... (dont worry, it wont be a copy and it will be written... i just dont know when)
lemme see what else... OH
i broke my glasses. so now i have to walk with sunglasses if i wanna see something, and that includes night time, indoors, like i am now. good news is that they'll be fixed by tomorrow (so i wont have to go to school with sunglasses at 7 am :P)
talking about school, it'll start this monday for me... woohooo...... >_> and this year there'll be no holidays... woohoooooo...... >_>
BrunoBRS thinking of a videogame related sentence to use on his next non-editorial blog >_>