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Gaming Speculation

I'm guessing this is either totally bogus or it will be old news in about 12 hours, but here it goes:

Hellgate: London release?

Prima has the Hellgate: London Guide listed as a January 16 2007 release, and Gamestop/EB Games has started taking pre-orders and claims the game will be released on January 1st. I think of this as basically confirmation that Hellgate will be released sometime in January, as Flagship has yet to announce anything. I keep getting pumped the more I hear about this game, so I'm excited. It should be a really good one.

Halo 3 Legendary Helmet: Also from Gamestop, there's this news about the Halo 3 Legendary Edition Spartan Helmet. I guess I had heard speculation of the size of the helmet and that kind of thing, and this picture looks real. At least I don't think Gamestop has any reason to fake one.

That's all for now, I'll keep scouting for Hellgate News.

More Bad News for Sony

Is this anything new? Another week, and another story about how Sony sucks. Ok, so maybe the PS3 will be a good system. In 2 years. Like someone said on the board about the latest news, I wouldn't be surprised if Sony pushes back the PS3 launch date. Bad news for Sony. If they do, the pressure will be on Microsoft to cut the 360 price even more, and I think this time they could deliver on that, and give the PS3 a deathblow. Wii sales would increase because Sony Fanboys wouldn't admit defeat and buy a 360, they would just buy a Wii to "hold them over" and then a chunk of them would just stick with Wii for a while, and maybe buy a PS3 in a year or two. The 360 has sold 8 million units, and I know a bunch of people (possibly myself) holding out for a price drop before buying it, and of course a bunch of people buying it just for Halo 3. Sony will be lucky to ship 8 million units in 2 years at the rate they are going now. It also makes me wonder how they had a PS3 at E3 and all of the game conferences this year, and still weren't in to mass production. I wouldn't be surprised if the systems they used were some kind of pre-rendering consoles (this doesn't make sense, I know) or some other sneaky Sony thing. Also, Sony should consider that they're alienating their base of casual gamers by talking up all the tech specs most people don't care about, and the outrageous price of either system. People will buy a 360 because it's cheap, buy a 360 because it now supports 1080p, and buy a 360 because it's a gamers platform, not a platform of Sony exploitation. More later this week, when Sony has it's bi-weekly meeting announcing their latest flaws and shortcomings.

A (Very Limited) Apology to Sony Fanboys

After the last few weeks of increasing and ever building hype for all things PS3 or Wii, with a fair share of 360 news and a sprinkling of PC/Vista headlines, I have come to the realization that all fanboys suck. Sucking more than that is people that just talk bad about one system or another just because they feel like it. I still think the PS3 isn't going to compete with the 360, but I'm not going to go out to the PS3 forums and pick fights anymore. Sony and Microsoft and Nintendo are all doing their best to forsee what people will want to buy not only this year, but in 3 or 4 years as well. Not an easy task by any means. Unless of course your means involve a time machine. I therefore am quitting all posts in any forum about how one system is bad - like that the Wii is overpriced or how the PS3 is way to expensive and Sony doesn't need all the technology they are putting into it. I still believe all of this, but I'm just going to stop making other people angry for no reason. I'm going to buy a Wii no matter what, and I'll always be anti-Sony. But I'll wait to pass judgement on the systems as a whole until at least 3 months after their release, and not before then.

I am sick of Sony Fanboys!

No, this isn't exactly a new topic or idea, but good god, it seems like the closer we get to the PS3's release, the more Sony Fanboys come out and talk unwarranted smack about how "great" the PS3 is going to be, especially against the 360. First of all, let me say that we don't know exactly how the PS3 will be because it's not out yet! All of the speculation about how powerful it will be or how great games will look is total BS. The processor cores need to be utilized properly for it to use it's full potential. Anyone with a dual-core PC processor knows that having more cores helps, but not that much unless the game was written multi-threaded. And remember, the "9 cores" the PS3 supposedly has is only 7, since one core controls the other cores and another is used for back-up in case one breaks. Wait a minute - is Sony expecting one core to fail? What happens when 2 cores go down? This could be an issue...
Now, about games. Everyone says that the PS3 is going to have better games and  more power. Since I've addressed the power area, let me comment on the other major aspect of most Sony Fanboy banter, games. The PS3 took a big hit when GTA4 was announced to be released on both 360 and PS3 the same day. Now the only major franchises left for PS3 are Grand Turismo and Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy. Well I never really liked racing games, but I know a lot of people do, however, now that the 360 is getting Forza Motorsport 2 and Microsoft seems serious about it, my guess is more people will be swayed to go to the 360. I don't know of any equivalents to MGS or FF, but if you look at the major releases for consoles, there are 2 big things right now - either games are being made for both PC and 360 exclusively, or games are being released on all platforms simultaniously. This will hurt PS3's supposedly "great" library of games.

There, I just debunked 2 major PS3 Fanboy rants. I know it's not out yet so some of my points may not be correct, but I feel that I have given the situation a good analysis. Oh, and the PS3 costs how much? And there only going to have how many? No, I can't really see why I'd want to only spend $400 for a premium 360 when I know I can actually get one in the next 6 months and will have $200 extra to buy great games like Gears of War or Dead Rising or play on Live, the best matchmaking service in existence right now. The one thing I will give to the Sony Fanboys is that they seem to take everything in stride. They aren't flustered by the $600 price tag, or the measly 400,000 unit launch (worldwide), or the $60 for first party games. I strongly encourage any Sony Fanboy that reads this to comment on how their logic works, because it seems to me that it doesn't.

Gaaaa!!! School!!!!

It appears that school is again in full swing, and has (as usual) caught me by surprise. While I normally wouldn't mind this, but my third semester in Computer Engineering is a real...pain in the ass. And I can't stop playing Battlefront II. Now I've got to try to do Calc and Circuits homework while blasting away all who oppose the might of the republic. or the empire. or the rebels. or the droids...have. to. play. all. races. Ackkk!!

You know PC is great when...

Really there wasn't a great moment where my Xbox playing friends saw the glory of the PC, but I know there should have been. We were playing Halo 2 at a friends house with 2 plain Xboxes rolling, and it occurred to me the wonders of PC gaming. Mostly it centered around a swords match where lag caused the non-host team to suffer because of the slight timing deficiencies made by connecting two Xboxes. With PC and a dedicated server, or perhaps a dual core PC acting as server and someone playing on it, this wouldn't have happened. Not to mention each person would have had their own screen. And I won't further the embarrassment by bringing up keyboard/mouse vs. gamepad. So today, the only other hardcore PC gamer in my town (a measly 700 people) are going to try to show the console lovers what's up when we show them CS:S and UT2k4, and maybe some other great PC games. Maybe, just maybe, I can convert one of them to the way of the PC.

Oh Video Games, why are you so good?

I just finished taking my summer classes and am trying to get some really solid couple of weeks of gaming in before fall semester begins. I'm behind in my games (isn't everyone?) and have a big stack of games I want to try to make it through before HL2: Ep 2 and Crysis, etc, come out this fall/winter. I have a lot of full games to get through, but I'm also wanting to play quite a few HL2 mods. Normally, when I'm in so deep that there doesn't seem to be a way out, I'd be mad, frustrated, or depressed. However, with PC games, I'm none of those. I'm ecstatic at the opportunity to weild a lightsaber in KOTOR 2, or to use the gravity gun to fire toilets at people. Not only that, but I'm excited for the rapid advances made annually in the vast land of gaming. I was pleasantly surprised by Gun and Call of Duty 2 was a blast. I'm drowning in a sea of amazing technology, and I'm loving every second of it.