Brutalus7 / Member

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You know PC is great when...

Really there wasn't a great moment where my Xbox playing friends saw the glory of the PC, but I know there should have been. We were playing Halo 2 at a friends house with 2 plain Xboxes rolling, and it occurred to me the wonders of PC gaming. Mostly it centered around a swords match where lag caused the non-host team to suffer because of the slight timing deficiencies made by connecting two Xboxes. With PC and a dedicated server, or perhaps a dual core PC acting as server and someone playing on it, this wouldn't have happened. Not to mention each person would have had their own screen. And I won't further the embarrassment by bringing up keyboard/mouse vs. gamepad. So today, the only other hardcore PC gamer in my town (a measly 700 people) are going to try to show the console lovers what's up when we show them CS:S and UT2k4, and maybe some other great PC games. Maybe, just maybe, I can convert one of them to the way of the PC.