Thank you for sharing this story. Hopefully opinions such as yours are a sign that the times are changing and female developers won't be harassed and threatened for just trying to do what they love.
From what I understand, Amalur actually sold rather well. The problem was that in order to develop it, Schilling not only took out the loan from Rhode Island, but then spent even more than that 75 million on things like buying an extra developer to make something for the game instead of just outsourcing or something. The issue isn't that the game failed, it's that a glorified indie developer spent hundreds of millions of dollars on their first game with no way to pay their debts.
The end of the review harps a lot on "if one dies, you lose" as a mechanic. This is not a mechanic in every dungeon, just story dungeons. I just died for the first time after playing for over 10 hours. Gamespot has never reviewed Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games highly and I didn't expect this game to be any different. As a fan, I find it just as charming and fun as the other installments. Don't write it off based on this review. Play the demo and form your own opinion instead.
It can't get here soon enough! Glad to hear it's more logical than the previous game, too. The silliness of the fourth game's ending made me nervous for what the future plots would be like.
I wish this article had been posted a week or two ago before I wrote an 8 page paper on this topic. D: What bugs me about it all is the fact that stores already prevent kids from buying these things. So the one's who get them have parents buying them or the like. What are stores going to do, survey every parent before they let them buy GTA?
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