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Nintendo's on-line lack of effort :(

No question about it Nintendo is really behind the times as far as on-line goes. No voice chat even with friends ? I mean you could make a case for no voice chat with people you don't know but with people on your friends list thats just short sighted to say the least. I think even the DS has some voice communication before and after a match in Metroid Hunters !

I honestly thought that since they were so far behind with the on-line stuff for the cube that they would really step it up for the Wii but they don't even have what PS2 had last gen !

I'm not making excuses any more for Nintendo's lack of on-line options it just sucks for those of us that have now been introduced to more well rounded on-line experiances cough***Live***cough.

Nothing is perfect but Nintendo does'nt even seem to be trying.

What do you think ?