Kaz Hirai recently said the "PS3's full gaming potential won't be tapped 6 years". He also talks about the issue that developers are having issues with the PS3.
Do we feel mad or happy about this?
Some feel that is simply too long to wait. Others think it is a great thing. The premium games on the PS3 look amazing right now, imagine the progression this will have in 2 years, in 4 years, and then this 6 year mark. If you were to be mad, why be mad at Sony. . .I feel it's the developer's fault. Unless he means they won't 'unlock' the full potential via firmware updates then yes, be mad at Sony. If not, then just enjoy the natural progression of better video game graphics.
Then Kaz commented on the difficulty developing for the PS3 and compared it to the PS2 era. Kaz says. . .
If you look back at the commentary we received when we launched PS2, there was a lot of talk to the effect that 'It's very difficult to program for' and 'It's easier on a Dreamcast'. It's happened before.If people said it was easy to program the PS3, I would be worried. That wouldn't be pushing the envelope for technological development.
I think we are already seeing some great looking games the real question is how much better in two years and how long will it really be before Microsoft and Nintendo release another system ? I have a hard time believing Sony will let Microsoft get a years head start again. That could mean that while Sony PS3 is starting to hit its peak it will be replaced by number 4. I guess you could say we saw the same thing with the PS2. Including the year head start for the 360 and the general idea that it is easier to develop for how far behind is the PS3 really ?