At first I was going to laugh my ass off at this as I am sure most people wanted to or did.
However, I then considered what it must be like concerning even the most simple of decisions aboard a team of dedicated peoples. People who have likely spent their life on this brand to help make it what it is today.
I remember my first Pokemon game and how enthralled I was by it as a child. It caught my imagination and gave me an itch to "catch them all". Not even quite a teenager at the time. The cards, the toys, the entire experience was nothing short of a collector's dream and I couldn't get enough of it.
Fast forward over a decade and here I am, still playing it with X and Y easily being the best in the franchise, still a part of that craze started so long ago. It has recaptured my heart after all of this time and I feel like a child anew. So I say let them cry over the naming, I think it does have more meaning and purpose than people might like to credit it at first. It is damned near historical at this point considering the franchise's success and the fact it isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
I'm just upset that it runs so weird on my system. BF3 was a near constant 60fps at maxed out settings.
I can be at all medium on this one and still get these weird moments where I drop to 40fps and it's usually after the center building collapses.
I understand the graphics are improved over BF3 but to such a degree that even at medium settings I get awkward, hard drops for no apparent reason? I'm tempted to get this for the PS4. x_X
I have days where I can have a near constant 60fps experience and then the next, with zero changes, that 40-60 I was talking about.
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