As I haven't posted in my blog for quite some time I thought I would keep everyone updated on my recent purchases and what I feel about those purchases. My last blog post was about me purchasing a Wii. Well I still have it though it isn;t quite as much played as my 360. However I now have 11 games for it and still growing. Probably my favourite is either Legend of Zelda: Twilight PRincess, Resident Evil 4 or Prince of Persia Rival Swords. My most recent purchase was a trivia game known as Smarty Pants that I can play with friends around the house.
My 360 has been getting quite a lot of love since I first purchased it. I have over 50 games now and it too is growing rapidly. COD4: Modern Warfare is basically the only game I play on the system now though I do switch over to Carcassonne now and then, a game that I have loved since I bought the original board game many years ago. My last purchase for the console was, I believe, Devil May Cry 4. Though it can't pull me away from my COD4 addiction I find it an extremely fun game none the less.