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PC Gaming is Dead

If there's one thing that can be learned from gaming is that you can't expect nor hope much from anyone or anything. First of all I don't play games as much as I did. I'm not very interested in most current-gen games and I don't anticipate much from them either. But there are STILL few games (mostly sequels) that's I am (was) excited about. Batman: Arkham Knight, Dishonored 2 and Mass Effect were my most anticipated games of the year of those respective years.

Hell, One of the reasons I even upgraded my PC rig is because of Arkham Knight. (As said so in this 2 year old blog) And....we all know how much of a clusterf*ck mess turned out to be.

And NOW, we are hearing that Dishonored 2 PC Port ALSO suffers from similar bugs and issues. It's a complete wreck.

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Good job Bethesda. You somehow managed to shatter what's left of my hopes for PC gaming. Conraguf*ckinglations.

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If it isn't obvious yet, I am mildly inconvenienced with this utter bullcrap. BUT it's actually not surprising for anyone. A bad PC port? At this point it's like saying water is wet. Every time we hear about PC Port of a game, it's about how sh!t it is. Developers treat PC gamers like sh!t. PC ports are sh!t. As a matter of fact, PC Port should be a synonym for sh!t. If your friend is sick and having a bad hair day, tell 'em, "Dude you look like a PC Port"

I'm done. I'm so done right now. I'm tired, I haven't slept for god knows how many hours because of work, and now this sh!t comes up, and I feel even more sh!t right now. Sh!t. I'm out.

OK OK maybe the title might be a bit exaggerated. My first idea for the title was "God is Dead". But then I edited it because that would be too......much for some people.

Bee Out.