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Bungholio55 Blog

Rock Band vs Guitar Hero III

Well I have been debating on what to get lately. Either Guitar Hero III or Assassin's Creed I was thinking until I played Rock Band at Best Buy. The guitar for Rock Band is alot better than Guitar Hero III. The song I played was Detroit Rock City and it just felt alot more realistic then when I played GH3's Rock You Like A Hurricane. Since I play bass in real life I also love the option of playing bass on all of the songs. The hands down coolest thing for Rock Band is you can shange the sound or your guitar in the middle of the song! From Wah-Wah, Flanger, Chorus and more! It's all their. I really can't wait to get Rock Band. I'm gonna save my money for Rock Band and ask for Assassin's Creed for Christmas. On a side note: My Xbox 360 has been working wonderfully. No problems at all. Played Halo 3 for 5 Hours and I didn't overheat! The Xbox 360 is amazing if you get a good working one.

Rainbow Six Vegas

I just got it and it is sweet. A must have for any Xbox 360 owner. Also Gears of War Map Pack is coming out free this Tuesday.

Wanted: Video Camera

I want to buy a video camera so I can record myself playing Xbox 360 and Wii. I want to be able to put them on YouTube. I have no idea about cameras and computers so if anyone can give me a link to anything reasonable it would be greatly appreciated.

Seriously. . .

Why can't I play a Ranked Match without people quitting? I understand people have friends they want to play with and they might have to go but it shouldn't be every ranked match I play. It isn't just 19 rounders when people quit it is also 5 rounders! I never ever give bad rep but I've been starting to to quitters (not that it will do much but maybe I won't see that person again). And most of the time when give the bad rep they are already playing another match. I mean why join a match just to quit it? Is their a Bomb Squad trying to stop regular ranked matches? All I encourage you guys/gals is Don't Join A Match If You Don't Intend To Finish It!

Dead Rising and Metroid

Whoever owns an Xbox 360 must go out and buy Dead Rising. I bought it new for $25. It really is a steal. Also my brother bought Metroid for our Wii and it is just as fun this time around as it was back on the NES. And if you happen to read my blog here check out my Xbox 360 Fan Union. Join it. It is a work in progress but it will be good. You don't need to have a Xbox 360 to join.

Updated My Games

I updated my games today with all of my V.C. games. My brother bought Super Paper Mario but I haven't played it yet. But I'm not to impressed watching him play. Nintendo took away the battle mode that they had on the first two and they took away the characters and added less deatiled 'Pixels'. But on my Xbox 360 I've been playing Gears of War and Condemned. Yea check out all of my VC games.

Most Wanted E3 Games

The games I'm going to be buying first are Assassin's Creed, Rock Band, Mario Galaxy, and Smash Bros. Brawl. And I got my Xbox 360 back and I'm playing Gears of War often. Hit me up on Xbox Live, my Gamertag is Bungholio55.

Wii Updates / Xbox 360 Updates

I just got WiiPlay today and I was going to get Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition but it was sold out at Best Buy, Circuit City, GameStop, and Target. And my Xbox 360 should be finally returning with a new heat-sync and a new 3 Year Warranty.

Full Wii Story

Okay after playing Wii for a few hours I'm going to blog the story of how I got it. Yesterday I called everywhere (K-Mart, Best Buy, Circuit City, EB, Gamestop, FYE, Comp USA, Target, and Player 2) and no Wii's. Okay I call today everywhere and same thing EXCEPT for EB Games. They said, "We just got a shipment of about 20. If you left now you probally will get one." He might of said something after that but I hung up and drove 1/2 hour to EB Games. I was Wii customer number 17!!! In a half hour! Wow I'm glad i was able to get one. I also bought Zelda: TP. Tommorrow I might get WiiPlay with my brother because he needs a Wiimote. (Me paying $10 extra dollars). I also am considering to get Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition for $30. Let me know of any game suggestions.

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