After my mother brought my uncle's Nintendo Wii to my house during a recent visit, I had to just go out and get one for myself (imagine the irony in that. Mom comes over encouraging me to play video games). Much to my surprise the reasonably-priced Wii is an incredible piece of gaming hardware! I am just going to go through all of the pros (and if I can think of any, the limited number of cons) and let all of you judge for yourself.
1. Interactive gameplay-When I first heard about this feature I thought that this feature was kind of gimmicky. I mean using a wireless remote sounded cool...for about three games. As it turns out, this is one of the best features of the system. Nintendo has thought of some kind of way to make every game interactive. I picked up NBA Live 08 when I purchased the hardware, and even the controls for that title were just like playing basketball for real.
2. Fun for the family-The selection of titles for the Wii is geared toward being fun for everyone (since that is supposed to be the mission of the Wii). The titles are designed to be used to by the youngest of childrenor the oldest of adults. Even my mother and wife gather around the living room for a game of Wii Sports golf. I also got a chance to rent Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games and all of the adults and children players in our house enjoyed it equally.
3. Internet-I love technology and already have a wireless router set up in my house so how cool is it to just be able to cut on my Wii and go online. To top that, there is no additional charge or equipment to buy (unless you want a USB keyboard or other accessories). In the last generation of systems I always played Xbox and I faithfully paid my $50yearly for Xbox Liveservice.Fifty dollars for a service that doesn't even allow you to access regular website browser functions is a little ridiculous.
4. Wii Shopping network-The Wii has its own shopping network. I went on it two days ago to buy Wii Points (Nintendo's online currency). As it turns out, you can use the Wii points to buy the internet channel (okay soI lied. Internet is not TOATALLY free. It cost 500Wii points which is worth about $5).Youcan also useWii points to buyold NES, SNES, Geneis, TurboGrafix 16, and N64games.I found the original Tecmo Bowl in the Wii store for 500 points.
5. Accessories-TheWii has an abundance of cool accessories butit doesn't make any of them a necessity. WiiSports (the title that comes with the console) has a remote attachment kit that includes a baseball bat, tennis racquet, golf club, etc. There are alsobonus packs that come with knives, swords, guns, shields and more. You don'tneed this stuff to play, but if you are into role-playing and want toreally feel like you are part of thegame, this stuff is foryou. Also theWii has the ability to usethe regularWii remote, Nunchuk,Classic controller, or Game Cube controller. If you decide youjust want to playthe regularold-fashioned way you can pop in you classic controller.When I was playing Tecmo Bowl for the NES, I just turned theWiiremote sideways andit took the same format as the old NES controller.
1. Fun for the family-I know, I said this was one of the pros right?While the Wii offers many family titles where are some of the titles for the oldercrowd? I have been to several game stores and haven't seen many games that have caught my interest because they are mostly geared towards children. I mean there will always be the expected titles like NBA Live or Madden, but thereneeds to be a little bit more to choose from if you are not just playing games with the kids.
2. DVD Playback-WhilePlaystation 3 has BlueRay and Xbox 360 has HD, what doesWii have? Nothing. The Wiiwas intentionally produced last year without DVD playback. Supposedly there will be systems that come out next year (or the end of this year) withDVD playback. Unfortunately, that doesn't help everyone thatalready has a system right now.I don't want to violate the rules of this site buy listing a site I found with a solution for this problem, however, I would suggest that you do a search for "Wii DVD playback" and see what you get.
Overall, the Wii is a solid system and even though some of the games are designed for the younger crowd, everyone will enjoy using this machine. I would suggest every gamer at least try it because once you do you will want one for yourself.
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