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Buntaro2000 Blog

Video Games are The New Rock and Roll

Maybe because I don't live in U.S.A. I don't feel the maremagnum of laws and critics against the video games so much intense like appears in the magazines and newspapers.However I think there is so much double moral about it.Now they say the video games are the worst and the most violent thing ever happen to us.Personally I think video games are far less harmfull than some movies and specially some corrupts politicians (like those from my country: Dominican Republic).So, if you are lucky enough to live in U.S.A. (the market that dictates the rules about video games) let your voice to be heared because is your right and cerainly there will be somebody listen to you.

Games I Miss

Now that the PS2 is wlaking slowly to the past, I remember some games that I always waited to see in the Marvelous Black Box....

1.- Fear Effect... Hanna and Rain, need I say more ? Rain and Hanna are four powerful reasons.

2.- Killer Instincts... Back in his days it was a rival for Tekken,Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat...What happened ? Combo Breaker.

3.- Alone in The Dark... The truly inventor of the Survival Horror Genre.

Now I only hope see this games in PS3.

PSP needs HELP

Sony is the undisputed leader of the console market, Nintendo owns the portables. Could Nintendo defeat Sony in console: I don´t think this gonna happen in the next-gen that is around the corner; could Sony defeat Nintendo in the portables: they seems don´t have interest in doing. PSP is the best portable ever in theory but is under-use: lacks of games,good,greats and originals games, that used to be the cornerstone of Sony: PSOne wasn´t the most powerful console of his time but PSOne had the best games, now PSP is the most powerful portable but doesn´t have enough good games.When I see my PSP, I think in Dreamcast: could be so much but is too little.At least in the PSP there is still time left. 

Survival Horror Needed.

I´m a big fan of Survival Horror games.I still remeber my impresion when I found a zombie eating the corpse of Kenneth or my constant scare in every corner of Silent Hill, but then the Survival Horror genre evolved in a more adventure thing and some scare was lost.I think only Fatal Frame series maintain their original horror movie atmosphere.I mean, RE4 is one of the best games I ever played but except for the first sequence in the village you don´t feel the claustrophobic sensation of being chased for a  enemy superior in number,resistence and your ammo quickly run out; RE4 is a amazing adventure game but is no longer survival horror in its essence: still have some elements but is more adventure.Silent Hill 4 is still good but if we put out the better graphics I prefer Silent Hill; Silent Hill 3 and 2 are good but they are old. I don´t know what happen with Alone in the Dark (the game tha invented the genre) and why they never made a version for PS2.So, we need a survival horror old school style and storyline with new school graphics and gameplay.

Next-Gen Console Fever

Right now is Next-Gen Console Fever in everywhere:magazines,web sites,conversations,chats rooms, etc.I don´t know you but I feel less excited about the PS3 than I was about the PS2 a few years ago.I´ve always said and I will always say:games make great consoles not graphics.Despite MGS4 and RE5 I can´t find a game that make me wish a PS3 right now and both of those games don´t be in stock for the launch so I think the PS2 still have some life before it dies for propitiate the PS3 life.In XBox 360 terms I don´t know very much but the line-up for PS2 this year (FF XII, Tales Of Legendia, DMC3 and MGS3 new editions,etc.)look way better than those games in the XBox 360 and in Madden NFL 2006 the version of XBox 360 have better graphics but less games mode so again is gameplay and story what I want.Of course, if somebody can give me cool gameplay, great storyline and jaw-breakin graphics then we have a masterpiece (thanks god for Mr. Kojima) but this games are uncommon, specially in launches games, so I wait a little before take my money to the PS3, what do you think?.