Now, I am still fairly new to the whole forum world. I enjoy browsing through the topics, reading what people have to say. There is the occasional "gem" of a topic that I stumble across, but most of it is pure crap! Many of these threads and/or replies love to ramble on and on about how "It's ok to download illegal software" i.e games. I also read how these people believe this is not a form of stealing, but rather a God given right or freedom. WHAT??!! How in the name of all that is holy, is it ok to steal anything? As my friend once put it, "Thieves are on the same level as child molesters in my eyes!" Now that is a bit extreme, but he did have his car broken into recently.
Now, how is breaking into somebody's car, house, desk, computer, whatever, to take what you please, right? Take Half-life for example..... Many have been saying that they will download illegal copies to teach Valve a lesson for "delaying" the game for so long. Riiiiggggghhhht! These guys have been working their tails of for 5 years to make the best possible gaming experience in history. Now whether you want to believe it or not, these guys do this for a living. This is their career, which puts food on their families tables. Their salaries come from profits they make of SELLING their games. So, in a roundabout way, you are snatching food from a child's mouth.
When the game is finally released, I will gladly fork out my own hard earned cash (Because I have a job!) to purchase their fine product. The $49.99 (or $79.99 for the CE) is a small price to pay for the blood, sweat and tears these guys have poured into this game.
So, on a final note..... may all you pirates burn in hell for making the world a bad place!
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