Burn1n6t00th Blog
by Burn1n6t00th on Comments
I havent blogged since summer of last year. So I just felt like saying something :D
The Lies!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Burn1n6t00th on Comments
They are lies. Do not listen to them. Follow your heart. They are opinions. Yours is more important. Use them as guidelines only!!
Runescape-Anyone else?
by Burn1n6t00th on Comments
I used to play RuneScape 2 years ago. I got bored and gave my account away. I recently started playing again. Anyone else who wants to play with me. Add me: Desertbruise. Thats all for now. Doubt anyone plays anyways >_>
Possibly a Halo 4 Screenshot?
by Burn1n6t00th on Comments
Click Here. I dont know what to say. Just comment.
Im gonna start blogging more frequently!
by Burn1n6t00th on Comments
Ok so if you havent noticed I blog only like once every 2 months. Also Im getting tired of only get a few comments every blog. The only person who has commented on every blog so far is BrunoBRS. So I will blog at least once a week about well anything I can think of at the time. So this week Im giving a shout out to all my friends with Xbox Live and Halo 3. I have done something amazing...It may leave you in shock, you may have a heart attack, you may have an epiliptic seizure. So if you think you might be in danger of any of these you should not click this link and download my video to your Xbox. Here is the link: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=30988147 Please leave a good rating. Leave a comment. And for those of you who do not have xbox live but want to see what I have done i will try my best to get it up on youtube but dont be too sure. Yes this was in forge mode but we did not stage it. He started betraying me instead of helping me make the map so I went on the blue team and started shooting him. I made myself some rockets to kill him with but I had a better idea. Why not blow up the truck that he worked so hard to get up there? So he stopped shooting pulled out rockets. He mustve been thinking that it was over because he stopped shooting too....It wasnt over. Also if you have a capture card could you please capture it and put it on youtube for me. THX. Remember leave good ratings. I like good ratings
Woohoo Ranked Up to Major!
by Burn1n6t00th on Comments
Today I finally ranked up to Major in Halo 3. I havent ranked up once since I started playing again.(2 weeks ago) I got a lot of experience points but i never got to 30 skill level because my highest skill was in Lone Wolves and I liked Team Slayer more. So this week I went back to Lone Wolves and after a lot of yelling and throwing my controller at the Noobs on Halo I finally got it. Noobs because I hate when people use power weapons against me. There is too many power weapons on each map. On The Pit for example there is 2 Shotguns, 1 rocket launcher, 2 snipers, and 1 energy sword. All of these can kill you in ONE attack. I also hate when you sit there taking your opponents shields off and someone comes and kills you AND your opponent. Can You say Kill Thief?! I finally figured out that I to win you have to use power weapons and be a kill thief. When I started using the power weapons man I shot up from 22 to 30 in a few matches. Everybody PARTY!!!!!!!
Nooo!! My Sunday was wasted! :( cries* Endless Setlist Related
by Burn1n6t00th on Comments
Alright this sunday my friend came over from his house which is only a few doors down. So we were like dude lets do the Endless Setlistin Rock Band. We will have enough time. We will be it by 8. (for those of you who do not know the Endless Setlist is a 58 song marathon and there are no breaks in it, so it is about 5 hours long) So we were playing on Expert he was a Guitar and I was on Bass. We got through every song and even GGAHT the hardest song in the game. When we had 1 count it 1 more song to do to finish the setlist his parents call him and tell him to come home immediatly. I told him come on one more song. He said no Ill get grounded if I stay. And Im like we are going to have to do this all over again dude. Then he said Ill just tell my parents its one more song theyll understand. So he goes home and asks his parents if he can come back for the final song. But instead they ground him for being late. So I tried wiht my mom but she failed in the first 3 seconds. I then told him that he should have stayed because he was gonna get grounded anyways. I will not be on next Monday because we are going to attempt this setlist...again. We have a teacher workday so we should get through it without his parents calling every few minutes. We plan to do it real early like around 7 so we can finish at 12 and we can continue our day.
No Fair! Halo DLC Complaint
by Burn1n6t00th on Comments
Alright a while ago the Halo 3 Heroic map pack was released it was 800 MS points ($10). Now new maps are coming out and the old maps are now FREE. What?! I paid $10 to get maps that I couldnt even play on because nobody else bought them and now they are free. Bungie ripped me off and I think I should get a refund for what I bought. Also everyone that is entering the Infinite Struggle Halo 3 tournament best download these free maps now that they are free. Bungie...Your plans to dominate the world have just come to an end. I have lost faith in you. :(
Halo 3 Tournament at the Haloid Union! (Open to all GS members)
by Burn1n6t00th on Comments
Go here to check it out. Again you do not have to be a Haloid Union member to participate but you must be one to chat on the forums there so be sure to join. Also if you have a freind that is not a GS member you can invite him but make sure he knows my Gamertag and I know his. To register send me a PM
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