I voted for both of them being equal. I'm currently playing through the games right now and they're both great single player experiences. Instead of choosing one over the other, I just switch off between playing each. Really fun.
Even though I'm a big Xbox Live multiplayer guy, I have to agree with dividing the points so that it's more even between single player and multiplayer.
I can't believe the game didn't break 9.0 because he gave the sound a freakin 7. I'm not going to lie, this is some BS on a large scale. I'll still be getting the game for sure but man I'm glad I'm smart enough to not pass up on the best Zelda game since Ocarina just because it got an 8.8, because frankly after reading the review and the cons I just can't agree with him. It's his opinion, and I respect that, but it sure isn't one that a lot of people and myself included, seem to agree with.
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