Aspects of the game are fantastic, but other aspects are deeply flawed.
The freerunning is great. The cities are very cool, and they really are packed with people. The story is interesting, even if the ending answers nothing.
But why are assassination missions bookended by long, unskippable, and pretentious cutscenes? Why can you stab a guard, and avoid suspicion by blending? Why are you clearly an assassin when you run fast? Why are there only four (or five) investigation missions in the game, copy-pasted across the cities? Why does the ending dispense with the open-world freerunning aspect of the game, and turn it into a combat slog? Why don't beggars go bother other people?
There are a ton of small things like that which keep Assassin's Creed from being as excellent as it could be.
I think the unskippable cutscenes was an oversite.
You can stab a gaurd and get away with blend cause it's a hidden (spring loaded?) blade. I guess the idea is that when used correctly it delivers a fatal blow unnoticeably to those around you.
Ever heard the old expression "Only children and thieves run." Goin with the time and the culture this is set in. Running would realistically bring unwanted attention to you quickly. Especially with the guards on edge.
As for the copy and pasted missions. That is weak. Ubisoft probably spent most of the time trying to make the environment, smooth movement across obstacles, and different philosophies of the assination targets meld together. Wether that is reason enough to forgive the reptitiveness is a different topic IMO.
I can't answer your ending question.
I'll add my own gripe with the game. Aside from the reptitiveness people have said before. I loved the game, but it lost something when I realized I could just block and counter my way out of any alert. I didn't feel the need to run and hide and it took me out of the game. It's a good thing I didn't figure that out till after I cleared through through. I could stand at the guy I'm to report to and kill off any pursuers.
It's a trilogy. Hopefully they fix the problems. If they don't. I'll still rent to see the rest of the story.
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