The last true "next gen" MMORPG was probably Asheron's Call...ever since then it's been EQ-clones flooding the market. But then again, look at the incentive to create an MMO that is outside the box: Motor City Online - scrapped, Auto Assault - on life support, Earth and Beyond - scrapped, Sims Online - scrapped, Eve Online - jumping on its deathbed, Planetside - disappeared into the sunset...never to be heard from again. Really now, the other MMOs that try to deviate from the EQ model kinda fizzle out. If only EA would resurrect development on Ultima Worlds: Online...we might have something to hope for...Ein-7919A non-EQ clone, City of Heroes did well enough that City of Villians was released. The City of franchise has been around over three years now and still has a strong following and its eighth update, I9, about to come out.
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