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What happened to video games?...

Well, this is my third blog post and I've just been wondering, "What exactly has happened to video games?"  I was checking out the lineups for the PS3 and 360 and most of the games could be classified into three categories: First person shooter, racing and some generic horror game and I'm just wondering what happened to variety in video games?... Every game is basically the same as the next one before it, it's kind of pathetic when you think about it.  I'm not a gamer or not by the regular definition I suppose since I tend to not keep up with most video games and I don't play too many video games that often or even speak about games on a regular basis but I am on Gamespot so I'm still affiliated with games just not like most people here, I stopped being a 'gamer' in high school but still, back during the 90's you had a variety of different types of games and now you don't really have that variety anymore, it's gone.  Games have gone Hollywood and are basically dictated by trends, a few years ago, the GTA rip-offs were all over the place and now it seems that every game that's coming out is trying to be the next Resident Evil 4 or Gears of War and it'll stay that way until the next 'big' thing happens and that's pretty sad, I think.  Maybe Nintendo can bring it back with the Wii and the motion sensing controls but even that seems grim as the Wii like the Gamecube before it is already being dubbed, 'A disappointment' or the 'kiddie' system so it seems that the sad trend of video games of today will continue as Microsoft and Sony kill each other trying to make their games look better and more powerful.  You can have the video games of today as far as I'm concerned, the price tag is gonna keep on rising and it seems that gaming will become a rich man's hobby so you can have it, the best days of games has passed everyone by.  I hope the Wii succeeds the way I think it should but I am doubtful about that not because of the Wii as a system but because the generic shooters with pretty graphics and same old 'scary' horror games are the same games that become blockbusters every time so as long as the customer settles for the same old same old, they'll get the same old same old but not me, it's a joke the way I see it.

I like all three of the systems, I think they're all great but games need to get more variety because these trends that seem to dominate are getting old, really old.