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The Gane World

OH MY GOD...GUESS WHOS BACK....again... !! i need to stop doing this an get it together...i got lots to say LOTS LOTS LOTS to say....but right now.. imma go check out new games.. new trailers...illget back to you fellow gamers.. an UPDATE the real story...


                              AREA 51


 Guess whos back. Back again....CAPITANMORGAN. Ok gamers i have alot to spread like they do cheese on bread. Quere Queso? woof. Anyways, here are a few game EXPLOITS!. Oh dont know what that is?. Hmm... are you a noobie?. Exploits are CHEATS!. Check it out. Your on your OWN base. You then see no jeep or planes or tanks. SO as you stand around waiting...all of a sudden you see a ASTERISK on your left hand side of the screen BAM!. you better hide. Hes gonna KILL you an SPAWN a TANK to kill you at YOUR own BASE!. Some times they fly over an SPAWN your plane at the same time they just about fly above you an POP you an YOUR plane. DANG you were so close. Ever notice how you sometimes ever get POPd one by one as you TRY to advance. Say your sitting an moving right along towards a CAPTURABLE base in your SHERMAN if your an ALLIES or your TIGER if your an AXIS, BAM INSTANT DEATH, yet NO ONE shot you an you just DIED even if you had a FULL LIFE HEALTH on tank DONT MATTER. YOUR dead anyways. Its another game EXPLOIT!. All these cheats im sharing with you are for your BENIFIT. It ticks me that these gamers CANT fight fair an EVEN. They have to cheat. And whats the deal with these rules.? you cant do this you cant do that. your NOT allowed to do this an that an bla bla bla... ITS WAR! MEN ( and ladies  NODS) The only rule to war is TRY TO STAY ALIVE! Ive noticed how when i start to tell others about these cheats I GET KICKD out of a server GOOD!. id rather play with an HONEST server anyways. And do me the favor of not just tossen me out but BANNING me from server PERIOD!. id rather NOT ever go back to a server with such cheats an exploits. Once i was playing in a OMAHA map on line an no way can YOU or anyone get on top of the CHIMNEY on the upper hill base. NO WAY unless you cheat an SPAWN yourself there. These cheats are terrible. ALSO they are taken from the original game. Its what the GAME uses when your playing your BOTS on your own . Gamers just happen to use thes game cheats on there servers as well to DESTROY you an anyone who gets in there way. Now thats LAME GAMING. There are a FEW servers me an MY CLAN like as well as they LIKING us. THANKX to the Trans Atlantic Warfare server an the TAW crew. As well as The Lazy B_-_-_-d server an there CREW. The PIT Stop CREW. The FLIGHT Of ANGELS CREW. The TOMMYGUN GANG CREW on the TOMMY GUN GANG server. Thanx guys. Keep the games a GAMING an the CREW ah crewin..And people SPREAD the word. WE ALL have to stick behind each other when it comes to WAR!. AXIS an ALLIES alike!. My offer still stands. I CHALLENG ANY CLAN to an ALL OUT WAR with my CLAN. Think you can?. BRING IT ON BABY.....were waiting...



  AREA 51 XSCAPE................MAJOR XPLOSION










AREA 51                                                                                NIGHTMARE HALL

its dark an i cant see....but i feel good

Its dark. Im creeping round the corner an i cant seem to see whats going on. Its dark. I flick my flash light an its dim ( forgot batteries were low). What is that i see in front of me. I cant make out what it is. I can see it... is it moving?.. MY GOD its coming this way. Its big an DARK i have to run. But where do i go?. As i turn to run, i feel something grabbing me by the shoulder. OH GOD. OH GOD.

"This way!". said the voice behind me. I can see it was my fellow fragger. As i run towards my partner, BOOM!

The last thing i remember was me flying through the air... i didnt know if i was blown to smitherines or on my way to heaven. But it felt peaceful


area 51 nightmare hall

Hey hey hey..... whats fragging gamers!..

I jus wanna  say a HOLLA to all my fellow fraggers on line. HOLLA!

Now that i got that off my chest. I recenlty been updating my games.I have to many. But soon enuff they will all be on here  along with reviews an comments an my inputs on what i think about what i think.!


Anyways, how much room do they allow us to say what we wanna say?.:) if i keep speaking imma miss my chance at fragging the next noob! OH GOD.. listen to me i sound like a PRO..

Anyways gamers my CLAN name is AREA 51 . There four of us AREA 51 NIGHTSCAPE, AREA 51 LANDSCAPE, AREA 51 INNERSCAPE, AREA 51 OUTTERSCAPE.

 WE RULE an run NIGHTMARE HALL on line. hit us up.. no cheats no glitches no pinging. I dont even change your spawn locations or HOLD BACK VEHICLES or PLANES. Its an all out FUN FRAGGING GAME ROOM. Anyways back to the BATTLEFIELD 42....:)

 ALLAS ill be back soon.........