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CIoudStrife Blog

Goths vs Emos

Goths are much different from emo kids. Goths wear dark clothing because we accept our inner darkness, we listen to good-sounding and poetic music that is primarily Industrial such as Nine Inch Nails and, yes, Marilyn Manson and we also wear the makeup because it goes against conformist thoughts of guys wearing makeup is unacceptable in society. Emo queers wear tight jeans and shirts, wear makeup because it (I quote my friend who is infact emo and I make fun of him on a daily basis) "shows the inner beauty that I really have, so the world could see me on the outside as I feel on the outside...beautiful." and when I first heard him say that, I thought he was seriously gay. But he has a girlfriend, but emo people only get the ladies because it's "the cool thing to be" now. That's what I hate about them the most is that by being little bi*ches and whining for attention and looking like a cross-dressing homo, they are seen as "cool" in today's society.

Gothic has just become a fashion, and not a state of mind as it started to become in the early 80's. Which also pisses me off because being Gothic isn't just "Dressing in all black with 20 piercings, tall boots, pale skin, dark makeup, and Marilyn Manson on your iPod." it's a belief of being non-conformist, accepting the inner darkness that all humans possess, and being poetic and artistic.

As for the whole thing of suicide, Goths are not bent on suicide and if you think so you are freaking retarded. Many Gothic people I know, myself included, want to live because they know they have a purpose in life but they just don't know what it is so they stick to what they believe and maybe one day, their purpose will reveal itself. What point is there accepting that on the inside you are a dark person and then go ahead and bring that darkness to the surface, all to just kill yourself. It's not logical and it's completely freaking stupid. Emo people do their attention-seeking suicide crap just to make people feel sorry for them and they cut their wrists because they developed mental problems from forcing themselves to believe that the only way of relieving emotional pain is by causing physical pain. Which also, isn't logical and completely frigging stupid.

Anyone who says Goths and emos are the same thing need to have their bowels torn from their torsos and strewn into a burning pit before having their heads smashed in.

People keep asking the same question over and over...

Why us FFVII Fanboys want to see a remake....

I'd say it's pretty damn obvious. We want to see the greatest game ever be reborn into the new generation so that it can continue being immortal. It brings a pain to my heart to know that a lot of newer gen gamers have never played or beaten FFVII. It actually brings a tear to my eye to know that some have never experienced the divine splendor of playing that absolute masterpiece worthy of nothing less than immortality.

Anyway, here are some of my reasons for wanting a remake.

The sound quality could be re-done making it better and sharper sounding as opposed to the rather low-toned music made using only a synthesizer (for most of the songs) as opposed to Uematsu re-crating the beautiful music in a fully orchestrated way, maybe even use some of the songs from The Black Mages in the actual game. The graphics would be dramatically enhanced, eliminating the bad rep some people give FFVII for the characters looking like "LEGO people" and taking the original artwork, although it was amazingly done, and enhance it making it look more realistic.
Do absolutely nothing to the story, because that would ruin it, but I can see maybe adding a little bit. Like, side-missions or something like that having nothing to do with the original story as to keep from altering the original divine story.

These are some reasons I want a remake of FFVII. I'm sure many others have the same reasons.

*Sigh* PSP bashers are so stupid it's amazing...

Why do Nintendo fanboys insist on constantly bashing the PSP, when it is obvious they are doing it for attention, out of jealousy, or are just trying to make asses of themselves.

Yes, the GameBoy was the first handheld. Yes, the DS is a good handheld system. But shut the hell up about it! The PSP is here to stay...and if you don't like it, stop being a gamer right here and now, because it'll only get worse for you.