That blog that was posted in the previous thread page makes a huge point. The Wii is a Custom closed console. Nintendo is certainly not stupid. The wii is cheap and nintendo wanted to make something next gen that your averaged family and even those who have low incomes can afford. The wii may not be as powerful with the 360 or the ps3 and everyone knows that but the gamecube surprised alot of gamers last gen. I think history might just repeat itself and couple of times again this round.
CJFreeze's forum posts
Something I'm still confused with is that gamespot did say it seemed familiar like previous titles...In honest opinion,metroid has always had that broody,solitary, and deep feel and personaly I think Familiar is a compliment to this game. Everyone that loved the first Prime can vouch that it was amazing. If Corruption if like the first prime and feel familiar because of it then MP3 has done their job at rekindling the flames of old and making them anew.
8.5 is a good score but the game deserves at least a 9.0 considering all positve reviews said it was better than the first prime instalment. Unfortunately gamespots site also reeks with the stench of nintendo neglect....
To be frank and fair the gamecube is only still alive due to Smash bros, Metroid prime and twilight princess. Hell, gamecube would have been forgotten if it wasn't for twilight princess. It would be nice for nintendo to make MP3 on gamecube but it would also be costly and naive to do so. The Wii has sold roughly 10 millions units world wide and many of its initial games have been either half fast, not so flashy compared to ps3 and 360, or just plainly not worth investing in. Even wii sports was its first major selling game this year and it is certainly not the next best thing to sliced bread.
But the main thing people are overlooking is the fact that MP3 has been engineered for the wii exclusivly. Better graphics,bigger areas and pressumably the best FPS control scheme to even embrace the wiimote and even to go as far as to say better than any dual analog can accomplish for FPS games. Gamecubes controls are clumsy and for peet sakes,you can't even aim,shoot and strafe all at the same time in the first 2 prime games.
Gamecube is not a dead plateform but its time is nearing to a dead end like the gameboy advance already has.
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