@ Kevin-V I am comfortable with a critical piece on the platform but what you did today - in running a feature with the headline 'Opinion divided on Vita', when it was related to comments on your article rather than user's firsthand experience - was toying with your readership. You are, essentially, creating news based on reactions to your own dubious articles. Secondly, You have run pieces criticising the pricing of everything Vita related so far, so why can you not run a piece on Sony's digital only pricing? Especially given Mark Walton's criticism in this regard. Your labelling of me as a 'fanboy' is nothing more than what I'd expect of Gamespot lately. I own a pc, a 360, a DS and an ipod too. This, I would argue makes me simply a gamer. I have no affiliation to any brand and believe that competition in the marketplace can only benfit the end user. Had I read an risible article which criticised the 3DS within the context of smartphone gaming, I would have commented in the same fashion.
I don't trust anything Gamespot have to say on the Vita after the incessant bashing, not to mention your follow up video feature today. 'Opinion divided on Vita?' I think 'Opinion divided by Mark Walton articles' would have been more appropriate. No, I think Gamespot have crossed the line between reporting the news and creating it today and, unfortunately, you've lost a reader. I haven't seen anywhere on your site that Motor Storm RC will cost just £4.79 but that's probably a little too positive for your editorial stance, eh....