It has been a while since my last post but I've been very busy :P
I got Crysis, Oblivion, GH3 and my new laptop :) Now I can game wherever I please... (my bed). I have completed Crysis which was awesome, although the ending was slightly disappointing and I was left begging for more, I still haven't given online mode a go but I'll try that later on today.
Guitar Hero 3, Easy - Too easy, dull in fact. Medium - Easy enough, soared through. Hard - Soared through until the final section in which I am stuck on Raining Blood and One. Expert - 23/42 and stuck. It seems I like to get stuck at 23... And btw I did beat Freya :P
Oblivion, I haven't really gotten into the game yet, I quite like the system in which your skills increase so I was messing around with that, I am a Battle Mage :D but I will have to play it a bit more to actually get into it.
Finally Ibought Bioshock after Christmas with my own money and so far I'm loving it :) I'm not that far into it but I'm enjoying every single bit of it, be it fighting the big daddies and rescuing the little sisters, (Yes I'm a good boy :P) or hacking myself a new robotic friend.