Forgot to post a blog for the last three days, oh well, heres one. Well, things on Ebay have been going pretty good so far. Its been about 9 days and i've raised about £15. 360's are around £250 so i've got a lot of work to do. Damn, I wanna play Halo 3 so bad...
Will defianately post a review tommorow! Please read it when I do. Thanks. Also something else, what games do youpeople reccomend for the 360. When I buy my 360 im prepared to buy about 4 games. One of them will definately be Halo 3, but im not sure about the other 3. Gears, Dead Rising and PGR3 maybe? Any ideas just comment on my blog.
Appreciated, check out my next blog tommorow.
:) Peace out...