Thanks for the info mate, already knew that, but thanks anyway. :PREAPER51
CRAZYCAM_93's forum posts
Yes, and I will be joining you when you get Mario Galaxy. It looks like the best Nintendo game for a long time.
I already have PH, got it yesterday. Infact, I am playing it right now. :)
Christmas, Crimbo, Xmas. So many names for the festive season. But what is it? Its a time to celebrate the birth of that man Jesus. But its also the time of year when all the best games come out. So, what games are you getting for Christmas, or what games are you hoping will pop down the chimney this year?
Finally, developers are releasing that the Wii was MADE for FPS's.
This should bea hit, especially the 32 player Wi-Fi, and the controlls should be the closest thing to Mouse and Keyboard, as you are using the ultra tight controll of the Wii Zapper.
Damn, cant wait for this game! Should be the COD4 for Wii. :D
I know how annoying that is. My cousin came round a few days after I got my Wii and somehow broke one of my Wii remotes. I was annoyed, but manged to get a refund from the shop I bought it. :)
But now ive got my Wii Jackets, I dont think thatll ever happen again.
Its hard to say Zelda Twilight Princess is overated, as it has hadgood( 9.7) and fairly average reviews( 8.5). However, what I can say, is that it deserves more no more than 9.0. Its a lovely adventure, graphics are beatiful, but when you compare it to the other Zelda games, it loses its shine. From all those 3 years of hard work Nintendo put into TP, you must wonder that it has all been in vain. That they didnt work hard enough. But this is a great game, one of the best ever launch titles for a console. But its notthat incredible. And that in my opinion is the only overrated game on the Wii.
Now, moving onto underrated games. Super Paper Mario. This game, I belive, is one of my favourite platforming games of all time. Its easily Marios best game for about a decade, and I can say that without a doubt. This game deserves around a 9.2-9.5. Its a great game. It may look like a simple 2D platformer, but its actually a deep game with complex puzzles and easily the deepest storyline of ALLMario games. I can say that without a doubt. Super Paper Mario is an immense, challenging and enjoyable game. And its so underated. Most Mario games are, but this one I feel more strongly about. I dont know why, but I think its because its so much damn fun.
I rate the Zelda series as possibly the best game series ever. But I have only ever played the GC and N64 games.
So my top 4 would be:
1.Ocarina Of Time
2, Majoras Mask
3. Twilight Princess
4.Wind Waker
I have recently ordered Phantom Hourglass of Ebay, so that will go on the list.
I also bought Link To The Past on GBA yesterday, and so far its a pretty good game.
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