Infinity Ward's brain fart
by CRIMSON_KANE on Comments
I know, I know. Alot of people say it's a broken game now that its filled with hackers, glitches and stupid crap like an extremely overpowered Model 1887 akimbo. I have to agree in a way but I'm not exactly running into this stuff all the time. Regardless, I do love this game, I have alot of fun playing it and its awesome. But there are alot of things that need to be fixed. Before I speak my mind and tell everyone what I think needs to be done to fix this game, I just want to comment on the Intelligence Fail on Infinity Ward's part. This game has been out now for a little over a month and already its had several patches(the latest being released soon; currently going through Microsoft). To my knowledge, that doesnt happen quite often. But this game has had a glitch-filled multiplayer where glitchers, hackers, modders and overall DOUCHEBAGS have run wild with this crap and destroyed online play. It's amazing how selfish and stupid people are. "Sure, lets hack the game, exploit game glitches and ruin online play for everyone just to get our goddamn rank OVAR 9000!!!!" I've even acknowledged the hacked leaderboard. at least 10 people seriously had over a billion kills. The game hasnt even been out that long, so its impossible to get that high of a kill count, even if you got the game 2 weeks before its release and played 24 hours a day without a break. As I've stated, I blame Infinity Ward and their MAJOR intelligence fail. had they released a freaking beta or a demo of some kind, they could have weeded out these damn glitches and crap before the game was released. now they have an army of angry gamers who want this sorted out. Infinity Ward seem to be taking their sweet time with these patches. the latest one is going to take care of the infinite ammo thing and the model 1887 will be balanced. I also feel that the hit detection in the game can be horrible at times, and the spawn system can be extremely ridiculous. I'm just disappointed that Infinity Ward didn't even THINK about the possibilities of releasing a major game like this without even pushing forth a beta or something. Also, its about time they did something about these hackers and lag switchers. I know for a fact so many people have used a goddamn lag switch just to get a good KDR, which is why I dont care about my score. I used to; around the time everyone was starting out when the game was first released. Everyone started out on pretty much the same level. then everyone started exploiting game glitches and lag switching and hacking in every possible way. Because of that and the recent patches for the game, I think the leaderboards should be reset as well. I dont think it's fair that the legitimate players have to have their score suffer just because a bunch of hackers, glitchers and lag switchers want to brag about their rank or their UNdeserved Kill/Death ratio. Now that most of these patches have gone into effect and there are sure more to come in the near future, the leaderboards should also be reset. thats my suggestion. Maybe many people will disagree with me but whatever. This is just my opinion. Infinity Ward needs to sort all this crap out, and they need to do it now. truthfully, I am not one to get frustrated with games, since I play video games to relieve stress and anger, but because of the many problems that have eaten away at this game's online multiplayer, I have actually had a headache here and there while playing and the numerous issues in the game have actually pissed me off. Infinity Ward, fix this crap now. if anyone would like to send in complaints and/or report glitches or crappy hit detection, I encourage you to complain to them. email them or leave a message on their forums and tell them about it. It's their fault that the game has these many issues. Now they need to fix them. end rant.