@Pedro What do you want us to do? Bend down and take the flagrant attempts at abusing our rights as gamers by the general public while we not even whimper? Games are not seen as an art by such people, even though it is protected as such.
Wasn't Los Angeles made a state in the NCR, and already featured in Fallout 1 as the urban ruins (you couldn't access outside of designated locations)? Wouldn't it already be tame enough, or would they make some excuse up like "THE x HAVE CAUSED RECKONING IN LOS ANGELES. ADYTUM IS OUR ONLY HOPE IN THE REGION! PROTECT IT!"
Call me a noob at hardware, but if the new Xbox is to run at 1.6Ghz, and the 360 ran at 3.2Ghz, wouldn't that be something of a downgrade or do the 8 cores more than make up for it?
"Politicians have got to just quiet down," I say. "Politicians have no credibility in this argument. This is all about their lust for violence and the industry's lust for money. This is a billion-dollar industry. This is about their self-interest."
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